chapter 36 - logan

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i woke up at 3:00 i was quite dehydrated so i went and grabbed a glass of water

Emilio and Tessa was awake chance had his head on Tessas lap and they were watching a movie

Ariana: why you guys still awake

Emilio: why are you still awake

Ariana: I needed a drink

Tessa: me to

she gently removed chances head of her lap and joined me in the kitchen

Ariana: are you ok

Tessa: I'm good me and chance have been getting closer

Ariana: oooooohhooo

Tessa: quite how have you been with you know

Ariana: well me and jake went for some food yesterday first time weve hung out on our own since ive got here crazy right but I'm doing good I keep reminding myself of whats good

Tessa; and what are they

Ariana: jake everyone in team 10 logan my fans my family youtube

Tessa: well I'm glad your back on track anyway we should get some sleep

Ariana: yeah

I heded back up to my room it was pointless in me trying to get back to sleep because I knew I couldn't I decided id tweet

@ its 3:30 and I cant get back to sleep what am I suppose to do

@ dm me on Instagram ill try to reply to some of you

loads of dm came flooding in I replyed to a girl named kaitlin

to Ariana: I love your videos I live in England so I cant buy any of your merch I'm trying to persuade my mom to let me go on holiday to America just to get merch what ????

to kaitlin: don't worry about coming t0 America ill send some all  the way over their

to Ariana: omg really??

to kaitlin: really send me your address

she sent me her address I had a really cool idea to do

I had a quick shower which lasted into a long shower and then got ready into my gym gear

I jogged to the gym and realised it was pointless having a shower befor than because I would just need another one I worked out I couldn't do my arms intill all my cuts healed properly

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I jogged to the gym and realised it was pointless having a shower befor than because I would just need another one I worked out I couldn't do my arms intill all my cuts healed properly

once I finsished I sprinted home had a shower and got ready for the day ahead of me

once I finsished I sprinted home had a shower and got ready for the day ahead of me

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I replyied to other dms that I had and messaged logan

to  logan: want to hang out today

to Ariana: yeah ill pick you up in about an hour

to logan: ok

I headed down the stairs

jake: have you already been to the gym

Ariana: yeah I did legs and back I didn't do arms because you know

jake: yeah I know

everyone headed to the gym apart from nick because he doesn't go to the gym

Ariana: nick when are you next going to England

nick: 2 weeks why

Ariana: because I was awake so early and I went on my instagram dms and theirs so many people in england who cant get my merch and i want everyone to have it

nick: your so thoughtful

ariana: i know anyway logan will be here soon can you book me a plane ticket for the same flight as you

nick: ok ill be on that now

i was on my laptop when logan arrived i ran out and kissed him all the fans screamed me and logan took pictures with most of them and then headed to his

once we arrived i sat on the sofa stroking kong whilst logan spoke to his maneger about merch and buisness

once he finished his cool

logan: i have to record a song do you want to come with me to the why dont we house

ariana: yeah i miss those boys

i always got on better with corbyn jack and daniel because they were just like brothers to me and i loved them

Of Course I was still get along with zach and johna

I always love winding zach up

We walked in to their house Logan doing his gun action I joined in this time I took way to seriously rolling on the floor


Daniel: ARIANA



Ariana: POODLE

Corbyn: what's my name

Ariana: corbean

Corbyn: kill me now

I gave everyone a hug one by one Logan went and recorded so I got his vlog camera and vlogged quietly

I'm on Logan's camera were going to prank him so hard

I screamed loud and all the boys were shouting for Logan he didn't come out

Oh let's see what he's doing

Ariana: did you not here us

Logan: oh yeah I did I saw you vlogging on my camera

Oh ok

I gave Logan his vlog camera back and vlogged on my own

Ok so I did a little vlog clip on Logan's vlog we tried pranking him but he made us eat it hard as you can see we're at the why don't we house and I have some exciting news to share with you soon I'm sorry I shouldn't of mentioned it well anyway comment what country you live in guys it's crazy to see people watching these vlogs every day as Jake would say it's everyday bro I have a big big surprise I'm so excited to share it with you

Logan: I'm all done

Ariana: bye boys

Me and Logan left he dropped me back of at my house

Ariana: I'll see you tomorrow babe

Logan: ok love you

Ariana: love you to

I headed inside I made everyone some food and we all had a chat

Jake: Tessa if you could date anyone in this house but like proper date not fake who would it be

Tessa: maybe chance


I headed upstairs and got changed into my pjs I quickly ended my vlog

Thanks for watching subscribe if
You haven't already keep watching to see the amazing surprise 2 weeks I'm afraid your going to have to wait cope yourself some merch I'll see you tomorrow check out everyone's channel their all lit love you all bye

I edited and uploaded my vlog and then watched YouTube and fell asleep

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