chapter 20- new house

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chad got back shortly after with so many boxes containers for everyone and we had loads spare we also had a moving van coming in 3 hours so we had to be quick I headed into my room and called logan putting him on loud speaker so I can carry on packing

phone conversation


logan: hey

Ariana: I have some great news

logan: what is it

Ariana: were evicted from this house and were no longer aloud to film in here

logan: no way what are you going to do

Ariana: well we were supposed to be moving next week but we called the peples who house it was and were aloud to move in today crazy right

logan: how far is it

Ariana: not that far

logan: that's good

Ariana: I'm hoping were at this house for longer I'm packing now we have 3 hours till the moving van is coming and Erica and Tessa isn't here but jake is getting hold of them

logan: oh ok


things ive packed:

* clothes all of them

* all my chargers for everything

*laptop MacBook

* all of things that were in my desk

*all my notes work things


* tolitries

* assecories

* I didn't bring my pillows but I brought my quilt covers

and that is it


logan: well ill leave you to it

Ariana: bye love you

logan: love you to

I ended the call


I wrote in sharpie my name and what was in each box I carried all the boxes down the stairs I then took ericas boxes and started packing them for her I finished hers and wrote her name and what each of them were Tessa and Erica still wasn't back jake couldn't get hold of them I then took all her boxes and put them next to mine we still had 1 hour and half left so I did tessas I also finished hers I was super proud that I finished everyones I then packed all the office up and then the wifi everyone else finished and brought there boxes down the moving van arrived and we started loading the boxes the twins packed all of the game stuff up so we didn't have to worry about it Tessa and Erica arrived after

Erica: whats going on

jake: were moving

Tessa: we need to pack

Ariana: I did it for you

Erica: thanks

Tessa: awwww

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