chapter 19-jumping to conclusions

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i woke up to my phone blowing up i had 3 miss calls from my brother noah 4 from hollie and my twitter was just lagging because i was getting tagged into a link but i couldnt load it i went down the stairs and into the garden and called hollie because i know my brother would be angry from what ever this is

phone conversation


ariana: whats going on

hollie: have you not seen twitter

ariana: it is lagging to much

hollie: everyone is saying logan is abusing you

ariana: why

hollie: because you have a massive bruise on your leg and then in your first vlog clip you didnt have a plaster and then on your next clip you did

ariana: thats so stupied is jack mad

hollie: hes worst

ariana: im going to call him now

hollie: ok see you soon love you

i ended the call


phone conversation

Noah: where the fuck does that dick live

ariana: jack its all fake i promise you

Noah:how can i believe you

ariana: i go to the gym everyday not trying to be big but i can stick up for myself i dont surrond myself with people like that and you know i dont

Noah: ok but if i find out your lieing i am going to be very disappolinted

ariana: im not bye

i ended his call


i then decided on getting changed because i had a message saying i needed to have an urgent meeting at 1:00 so i started my vlog it is 8:00 and logan had to leave because of all of this going on he decided on having a meeting

hi guys you proberly have all seen whats on twitter and if im honest im very disppointed i you guys thinking that the bruise is from jumping into the pool and logan did make that cute he smashed a plate he isnt abusing me it is not right for someone to asume that someone is abusing me that is outragous as you can tell im not goig to the gym because now i have a meeting about this all twitter buisness what is it with people assuming the paul brothers are monsters if im honest its bullshit im sorry to bring this out  but i wouldnt surrond myself with people like that and if someone is getting abused and is watching this here is some phone numbers on the screen to call just make sure your all safe i am guys logan is amazing he is a highlight to this month for me if your wondering where he is he is stuck in a meeting because of this anyway im going to leave it their ive got a meeting to go to so ill see you after

i turned my camera of and headed to my meeting once i arrived we all sat down and started speaking about it

meeting: we are going to get you council meetings

ariana: no you wont he hasnt abused me people think its funny for them to pick something out something that is completly from a different video i love logan i can stand up for myself

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