Chapter 37-savage

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I woke up to everyone jumping on my bed

Ariana: what's the occasion

Jake: we've decided that today is savage day

Ariana: I'm in

Tessa: she doesn't need much convincing

Ariana: savage is my real name

Erika: oh really

Ariana: no but can we jump in the pool again

Jake: YESS

Ariana: ok I want to get ready now so you know

Anthony: no we don't know

Ariana: get out

They all left and I got ready

They all left and I got ready

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I'm ready to jump in pools

I put my hair up in a messy pony and started my vlog

Yo guys so team 10 decided to wake me up letting me know it's savage day and savage is my middle name

Erika: IT ISNT

where did she come from anyway I'm going to see what we're doing first so I'll catch you when I know

I grabbed my Go pros and my filming camera to get some good shots of everything

I headed down the stairs and have some granola

Jake: Emilio said he wants to do pool tricks first

Ariana: let me check the pool out first

Jake: the pool guy came yesterday its imaculate

Ariana: that words a bit posh for you

Jake: what can I say

Everyone was ready for the day

So first quested by Emilio is doing pool tricks I need to make sure I win this I'm turning this into a competition I'm very competitive

Ariana: Jake this is being a competition

Jake: fine by me

Ariana: I'll win this

Jake: I'll like to see you try

Ok so Jake agreed on it being a competition so let's head outside

I set my Go pros up and my filming camera to get good shots

Ok so Jake you do something first

Jake: ok

He made his way to the roof and did a classic jump

Ariana: rubbish

Jake: you go then

I made my way to the roof

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