chapter 6- death jenga

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i guessed right jake woke me up with an air horn

jake: morning

ariana: morning

jake: ill give you 100dollars for a race to the bottom of the stairs

ariana: jake you know im near enough the same speed as you

jake: ill start further back and im vlogging

ariana: ill vlog aswell let me just start it

jake : ok be quick

hi guys i woke up to a air horn anyway me and jake are going to race for 100 dollars to the bottom of he steps and were both going to vlog it aswell as him starting further back

jake: 1 2 3

ariana: go

why did i think that this wasnt a prank i slid straight on oil and went flying

jake: can i have some of that footage

ariana: yeah your lucky i actually care for you

jake: you love me

ariana: i wouldnt go that far

ok now i need to shower

jake: by the way we are going to the gym at 8:00pm again

ariana: great i can wash this oil of me

jake: have fun

ill see you guys in a minute when im all fresh and ready

i jumped in the shower and then got ready

i jumped in the shower and then got ready

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and ripped jeans

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and ripped jeans

i headed down the stairs they were all playing chase the drone and knock it down

nick: i love you top

ariana: i have your face on me

nick: i know

tessa: omg ariana we have the same top on

ariana: twins

i jumped in the air in excitment and knocked the drone over

ariana: oops

chad: honey you hit

ariana: dont come for me

ariana: whats the plan for today

jake: we are making a giant jenga

ariana: can i help with anything

jake: yeah can you drive my truck and get loads of long pieces of wood and a wood cutter

ariana: yeah let me grab my purse

jake: heres my keys

anthony: ill come and help

ariana: ok thanks

we jumped in jakes truck and drove to this wood shop anthony told me its really good for what were looking for

we got loads of long pieces of wood and loaded them into the truck and brought a wood cutter

we got back to the house i got to know anthony better he is really funny

me and anthony cut all the wood into jenga pices

and started building the tower with everyone

so guys we are building a giant jenga which is death jenga because we wil seriouly die if this hits us ive put loads of ice packs by the door because im very organised im gonna set you up on a tri pod hope you enjoy

things were going well intill it fell and almost hit anthony in the head but it landed on emilios foot i ran and grabbed the ice pack and put them on his foot

ariana: how much pain

emilio: alot

ariana: boys can you carry him to the sofa for me plz

chance: yeah

they carried emilio to the sofa and i continued holding the ice pack on his foot luckily he had his shoe on so it didnt cause as much damamge as it would of

ivan: will he be ok

ariana: yeah it just will hurt for a couple of days

ivan: ok

ariana: hold it on you should be ok

jake: nurse ariana saves the day

ariana: jake

everyone went to bed emilio couldnt sleep because of how much pain he was in jake told us all to miss the gym because of emilios foot

it was just me and him awake

ariana: take these

emilio: what are they

ariana: thell stop the pain

emilio: ok thanks for helping me

ariana: thats what friends are for

i started packing all of the jenga pices into cardboared boxes and taking them outside i then started tidying the rest of the house

emilio finally fell asleep and it was just me awake the house was spottless

i forgot all about my camera i went and grabbed it

sorry guys for this vlog it will proberly only be 15 minutes long but nurse ariana had to save the day i did some tidying help emilio with his foot he is in alot of pain i tidied up now the house is spotless lets see how long this last for jenga was fun but i mean it is really death jenga it was so close to anthonys head he would of surely been knocked out we all skipped gym today just to make sure emilio didnt need medical attention

he will be fine but it is going to hurt for awhile and alot im going to go down the chemist tomorrow to see if they have anything that could help him a little bit

anyway thanks for watching ill see you tomorrow subscribe join the movement we are 100,000 away from 4 million go subscribe to all of team 10 all of their merch links are in the bio and when i hit 4 million im going to do a huge giveaway thanks for watching godnight

i headed to my room removed all of my makeup and got changed into my pjs and started editing tomorrows vlo so then i didnt have to worry about editing tomorrow

i set my alarm for 9:00 because i didnt want jake to be waking me up with a prank again i finished editing and started watching the pranks that jake has done on me and i finally drifted of to sleep

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