chapter 10- who is that

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we arrived back at the house

we just got back at the house this is the current state we are going to check the camera footage omg a clown was in here when i was sleeping that is so scary

i turned my camera of im so scared

ariana: how didnt i hear it

jake: i dont know lets have a talk no camera

everyone turned their camera of

ariana: jake im scared what if it got me or tryed to hurt me

jake: logan was here then

ariana: good point

tessa: who could it of been is someone trying to pull a scarey prank

anthony: no we were all either at our houses or with you Tessa

Ariana: what are we going to do

it was getting pretty dark out here and the doorbell rang their was the clown jake started chasing it I ran after him

Ariana: JAKE

jake; STOP

jake jumped ontop of the clown

clown: its me kade

jake: kade

kade: sorry I had to prank you

jake: those guys tried tripping me up thinking I was the bad guy

kade: sorry Ariana

Ariana: don't worry about it far play

we walked back home

so we found out who the clown was it was indeed uncle kade

kade: sorry

Ariana: don't worry

anyway I'm going to end my vlog here thanks for watching merch links in the bio to join the giveaway you need to follow my Instagram comment on this post when your done ill show the prizes you can win later ill add an extra clip for you if you want a shout out turn on my bell notifications and comment bell and leave a lovly comment ill see you guys in a minute bye

we headed back to the house

Tessa: kade your the clown

kade: yeah sorry didn't realize how scary it actually was

Tessa: so scary

kade: hahah

Tessa: Ariana how you feeling

Ariana: fine I don't feel to sick anymore

Tessa: ok that's good

Erica: hi guys I'm back

Ariana: where did you go

Erica: I was recording my voice thing for tessas song

Ariana: oh yeah how is the song by the way have you got a demo

Erica: yeah

Ariana: lets listen to it

Ariana: I love this

Tessa: we need to record the video tomorrow come

Ariana: you sure

Tessa: yeah I'm sure


I sat on the sofa with everyone chatting and editing my vlog I saw what everyone did today


jake: shame your not apart of it

Ariana: I know but I'm a little bit scared to perform  

tessa: im sure your great at singing

ariana: maybe

jake: did i vlog enough

ariana: more than enough thanks guys your amazing

anthony: were family

ariana: tessa can you help me with the usher dance because im a little unsure on it

tessa: yeah lets start

jake: were better at dancing then both of you

ariana: jake have a dance battle with tessa

jake: ok

ariana: chance and whoever else can vote

tessa: i told you im better than you

jake: they felt bad for you

tessa: stop lieing

ariana: face it jake

jake: your supposed to be on my side

ariana: im on both of your sides

me and jake headed into the office

jake wanted a chat with his vlog with me

jake: how you finding team 10

ariana: i thought it was going to be hard with me being the new member but it feels like ive known everyone for years

jake: have you vlogged everyday since you got here

ariana: yeah with the help of you on for one day

jake: what is the one negative thing

ariana: negative thing maybe the pranks but uts fun when you prank some one but when you have it back it isnt but maybe the house getting messy every day i mean kade pranked us by messing the house up and no one has tidied up yet it still is a mess did you even notice it was tidy yesterday

jake: we have a maid

ariana: she comes on mondays and fridays but it gets messy and as soon as she goes you caquse a mess again which is fun but then not but overall there is more positives then negatives

jake: whats your favourite part about the team 10 house

ariana: that were all family no matter what like if we prank someone their in if someone has beef with someone they have it with all of us and i think thats very great

jake: yeah well thank you for having a chat with us we will catch up with you again soon

Ariana: thanks for having me

I headed upstairs into my room i decided on washing my hair because it was so nottie and put on some shorts with logans oversized jumper which I loved because it smelt of him

What that's creepy befor I fell asleep I needed to show my vlog what they could win

I am going to make this quick because my vlog is very long you could win a ps4 xbox 1 iPhone 7 or lots of vouchers

Follow my instagram and comment on this video what you want and I'll be picking some of you to win

Thanks for watching love you bye

I added this into my vlog and uploaded it i watched YouTube and drifted of to sleep

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