chapter 47- surprise

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i woke up and got ready for the day I didn't bother with any makeup because I was going to be on a plane and most likely be sleeping I'm going to be so jet lagged its unreal

i woke up and got ready for the day I didn't bother with any makeup because I was going to be on a plane and most likely be sleeping I'm going to be so jet lagged its unreal

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I then started my vlog

goodmorning today is the day I reveal some of the surprise stay tuned I'm going to eat and see if Tessa is ready to speak about the dance

I carried my suitcase down the stairs and hid them round the corner so no one could see it or film it for that case nick also put his their aswell we ate breakfast and it is now 12:00 Tessa came down and we sat down and spoke about the dance

hi guys I'm with Tessa you would of just seen so explaining what its about

Tessa: we decided wed like to make it due to our youtube careers and life aspect

Ariana: it starts of as us be stuck for a career path

Tessa: then we discover youtube which is happy

Ariana: then we skip a few years to recently

Tessa: Ariana has a solo whilst I'm doing like back dancing of her and logans love life

Ariana: then we have Tessa focusing on her and chance of chessa

Tessa: then it goes sad to the time where it was difficult for Ariana

Ariana: when I cut then me and Tessa come together and it brings us to where we are now which is fantastic

we finished talking to my vlog me and nick said goodbye to everyone and headed to the airport in an uber

were in an uber on the way to the airport were going to England nick cromptons city yayy once we arrive in England we'll be in London then I'm traveling around other places nick my or my not join me but anyway ill see you on the plane

we arrived at the airport went through all security and boared our plane we went through the tutorial of us landing in water and then got ready to leave

once we were up in the sky and we were aloud to remove our seat belts I got my vlog camera out

were on the plane I plan on sleeping because different time zones today I think were just going to chill out I'm here for a week on the last day there wont be a surprise because it is our last day were just going to hang out maybe do some sight seeing nick Crompton is going to show me London eye

nick: correct and big ben

Ariana: whats big ben

nick:  a clock tower

we should arrive in England London at 2 am a 11 hours flight so I'm going to do a montage and end the vlog now thanks for watching todays postnotification shout out goes to 09user12 thanks for watching my vlogs ive also replyied to your comment if you want a postnotification shout out turn the bell on and comment when your done if your watching this you know its late up I'm sorry I cant edit it until we get of the plane England here we come subscribe buy some merch love you all bye

I turned my camera of me and nick watched a movie and then I fell asleep I woke up only having 1 hour of the plane ride left I finished watching the movie it turns out it is only 12:00am and wee landing earlier than expected the plane ride went quite quick me and nick put our seatbelts on and prepared for landing

We landed and grabbed our suitcases and were on our way to our hotel

We went into separate rooms and I ended my vlog

Thanks for watching I'll see you tomorrow and today's post notification shout it goes to user0913484 thanks for having my notifications on I've also replyied to your comment if you want a post notification shout out turn the bell on and comment when your done tomorrows blog is day 1 of the surprise thing go get yourself some merch love you all goodnight

I edited my vlog which took me long because of mine and tessas dance and then me and Tessa explaining it I made it so they knew which part we were talking about

I then called Logan because I haven't spoken to him since getting back from Ohio

Phone conversation

Ariana: hey babe

Logan: are you vlogging

Ariana: no its 2:30 in England right now I'm not even tired

Logan : that's jet lag

Ariana: how have you been we haven't spoken for like 2 days the car journey was so scary

Logan: why

Ariana: because they drive on the wrong side of the road

Logan: I know

Ariana: been going to the gym

Logan: yeah when are you back

Ariana: In a week

Logan: that's so long

Ariana: I know but then three days later ITS MY BIG DAY

Logan: your proberly waking everyone up

Ariana: I'm gonna get some sleep

logan: night babe love you

ariana: love you to

i ended the call

I wasn't tired at all but I know that if I didn't sleep now id be so tired for tomorrow I was super excited though there was a few places I needed to go tomorrow I was getting on a train to brighton to do my first surprise I was super excited to see the reactions of all my fans and I plan on doing a lot more of these surptises all around the world to see my fans that aren't just in America

I watched some youtube and finally fell asleep

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