chapter 16 - i know

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I was down the stairs  with jake

Ariana: i know you didn't believe me earlier

Jake: your my best friend of course i wouldn't believe you

Ariana: well I'm bit fine your the only one I've told but i saw him earlier

Jake: everything will turn out ok

My phone started ringing it was ayla i excused my self and went in the garden

Phone conversation

Ayla: hey

Ariana: hey how come your calling

Ayla: I know you hurt but can you atleast speak to logan

Ariana: why are you taking his side

Ayla: he's changed ariana he isn't his self .

Ariana: give me an example

Ayla: we had a merch meeting today he said forget the merch he is hiding away in his room I'm in the kitchen he hasn't smashed a plate and he smashes at least 30. Proberly not and he has hardly vlogged

Ariana: ive destroyed him

Ayla: it isn't your fault but his career will go down hill so can you please speak to him

Ariana: yeah

We ended the call

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I ran and jumped in my car and headed to his apartment

I knocked the door and ayla answered

Ayla: he's in his room

I walked in his room he was facing the wall

I got under the covers and snuggled up to him he turned around

Logan: ariana

Ariana: I forgive you Logan

Logan: you forgive me

Ariana: yeah it wasn't your fault I understand that

Logan: I'm sorry I blamed you

Ariana: it's Ok don't worry about it

We kissed and hugged each other for a little bit we were silent but it wasn't awkward it just felt good not to talk

I missed the smell of him the feeling of his arms wrapped around me

Logan: I feel like smashing a plate

Ariana : annoying as that is ayla has missed it to

Logan: let's go do it

We jumped out of bed

Ariana: can we prank ayla

Logan : what did you have in mind

Ariana : let's argue and say we hate each other ill shout at you

Logan: ok

We walked out



ayla : GUYS STOP

Me and logan said pranked at the same time and he put his arm around my waste

Ayla : you guys i was worried then

Ariana: logan i want to tell the fans

Logan : we'll do it tomorrow

Ariana: ok can we go to the team 10 house

Logan : yeah

We jumped in my car and belted out some songs and then we arrived We walked hand in hand into the house

Jake: your both ok then

Ariana: yeah

Logan: yes

Jake: good i started to worry and thats not like me

Logan : we going to tell our fans tomorrow

Erica: what

Ariana: were going to tell our fans about us tomorrow

Erica: finally

Me and logan headed into my room

Ariana: I'm just going to vlog so make sure they can't see you

Logan: ok

Ok guys im in my room i know today has been nothing but madness alot has happened their is going to he a huge announcement so keep an eye on my channel ill vlog aswell so get excited ill see you guys again soon

Ariana: I'm going to get changed into my pjs

Logan: ok

I didn't have to worry about logan seeing me because he was picking a movie for us to watch

I jumped into the bed with him

Ariana : ive missed you so much but I couldn't forgive

Logan: it felt weird not being able to call you like i usally do or message you

Ariana : I know

We snuggled up for a little bit longer and the movie finished

Ariana: do you want to stay or do you want me to drop you of

Logan: ill stay ill order pizza for us

Ariana: ok im going to end my vlog

Sorry it is short guys ill do some montages of the sunset for you to add in at some point look out for tomorrow's vlog if you want a post notification shout on turn my post notifications on and comment when your done and to enter the giveaway follow my instagram and comment what prize you want to win ill be announcing the winners tomorrow we have a ps4 and iPhone xbox 1 and vouchers
So ill catch you tomorrow see you guys bye

Logan: I'm going to lie on your bathroom floor and end my vlog

Ariana: ok

I started to find another movie for us to watch when the door bell rang i ran down the details and opened the door

Pizza guy: Are You Alone

Ariana: no

Pizza guy : you are looking good

Ariana: I have a boyfriend and he is like twice the size as you thanks for the pizza here's your money bye

I slammed the door

Logan: awwww he looked 15

Ariana: i dont care I'm taken bye someone amazing

Logan: awwww

We headed into my room ate pizza and watched a film logan put his arm around me and we snuggled

Ariana: isn't it weird that we haven't known each other for long but I feel like I've known you for years

Logan: it's because I'm just like jake

Ariana : awwww isn't that cute

We carried on watching the movie logan kissed me and the head and I snuggled up closer to him

Logan: I love you ariana

Ariana: I love you to

And I knew we ment it that's the last things I heared him say befor i drifted of to sleep

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