chapter 14- your crazy

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I woke up to someone tapping me

Logan: morning

I was on logans sofa with a blanket on me

Ariana: did i fall asleep in your car

Logan: yeah I carried you into here

Ariana: what time is it

Logan: 7:00

Ariana: can you drop me of home

Logan: yeah sure

We headed back

Ariana: thanks for everything last night

Logan; its ok

He gave me a kiss and i headed inside as i expected the house was trashed and no one was awake

I jumped in the shower and got im gym gear

I jumped in the shower and got im gym gear

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And put my hair like it us in the picture

I then decided id end my vlog and i made my room look as dark as possible

I put my hair down so people didn't expect anything and put a jumper over my top

Thanks for watching my vlog if you want a post notification shout out turn on my post notifications and comment when your done and if you want to enter the giveaway follow my instagram and subscribe and comment what gift you want we have an xbox 1 iPhone 7 ps4 and loads of vouchers for you and I'm going to be following alot of you guys on my instagram so make sure you follow me for a follow back thanks for watching godnight like and subscribe bye

I turned the camera if and did my hair again in a messy bun and took the jumper of i opened my curtains and headed down the stairs i decided I'd edit my vlog and upload it once I did that i started today's vlog

Hi guys im going to do a morning time lapse for you all because as you proberly all can guess it's a mess again which we all expected

Ok ill set you up here

I started by going around picking up wrappers and then mopped the floor it was 10:00 when I finished and theirs no sign of them waking up soon

Ok guys its 10:00 and there still not awake I think we're going to have to wake them up i have some silly string 3 cans just incase I run out

I headed into the twins room and started spraying them

Ariana: wake up boys

They shot up i then headed in to chanthonys room

Ariana: wake up

Everyone is now awake apart from jake i gave a can to chance and anthony we heading to their room

Ariana: Wake up

I started spraying my can and then chance and anthony started spraying me

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