04. "travel"

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*May 2016*

Liked by cblake, and 789,084 others

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Liked by cblake, and 789,084 others

tomholland2013: And the trip to Atlanta is on!
tagged: cblake

View all 679,234 comments

username: I ship it sooooo hard

username: Tara Dobland all the way!

cblake: ew delete NOW!

username: ahh they travel together!

tomholland2013: cblake never!

username: they are soooo cute! Ahhhh

thelilicarson: aweeee look at my little Caramel

hazosterfield: Tom getting all the girls, and by girls I mean Cara and Tessa 😂❤️

username: ^true haz

username: d a t e

username: ^^

robertdowneyjr: BOy you best be treating her right!

username: ^best movie dad ever!

cblake: we aren't together! robertdowneyjr STAHP


Tom [spiderboy]
Cara [witch bitch]

witch bitch

What a pleasant surprise.

witch bitch
Tara Dobland.

I knew you would come to be about that sooner or later.
About that, sorry.

witch bitch
Don't be love.
Tbh I think it's sorta cute :)

Well that is a relief!

witch bitch
Now tommy boy, why is that?

Well love that reason must be kept a secret.

witch bitch
Come on tom! You tell me basically everything!

This one thing must be kept a secret. Don't worry it will soon come into play love. You just need to be patient.

witch bitch
Ok whatever you say. You are so glad I love you Thomas Stanley Holland cause if I didn't idk what I would do without the adventure you give me everyday :)

Wow, who knew Cara Blake Dobrev is a softy?

witch bitch
Oh shut up.
Well I better get to bed got a lot of scenes for us to film, you should go too!
Night Tom.

Goodnight love.


Little did Cara know the boy that was right in front of her loved her, and it wasn't just any love it was love that can change a person and it was slowly changing him.

Little did Cara know the boy that was right in front of her loved her, and it wasn't just any love it was love that can change a person and it was slowly changing him

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love, millie.

𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒 ( tom holland. )Where stories live. Discover now