14. "girls trip"

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"the NOT squad"
Lili [not lili reinhart]
Taylor [not taylor swift]
Cara [not cara delevingne]

not cara delevingne

not taylor swift

not lili reinhart

not cara delevingne
Wanna go on an impromptu girls trip to LA?

not lili reinhart
Hell yes!

not taylor swift
Yes! What type of question is that?
When shall we be going?

not cara delevingne
I was thinking next week. Is that all good for you?

not lili reinhart
Yep all good for me. Taylor?

not taylor swift
All good for me too!

not cara delevingne
Good cause I already sorta booked the hotel/literally penthouse and bought three first class plane tickets :)

not lili reinhart
My lord C

not taylor swift

not cara delevingne
My treat girlies

not lili reinhart
Is Tom gonna be fine with this?

not taylor swift
He better be!

not cara delevingne
He'll be fine with it.


Tom [t 💕]
Cara [c 💕]

c 💕
Hey love!
The girls and I are going on a last minute impromptu trip to LA before filming.

t 💕
Ok 😊
When are you leaving?

c 💕
Saturday night so we can get there on Sunday morning. We will be leaving Saturday night to be back by Sunday morning 🙂

t 💕
Should be back with the food soon. I got an extra pizza and some more wings 🙃😉

c 💕
Dude you know I am not pregnant. I am for sure not eating for two, or three, or four... and the list goes on.

t 💕
Oh on the contrary Cara when you see the stuff I ordered you will flip.

c 💕
You bought four fucking extra large pizzas and a shit ton of BBQ wings.
Boi you trying to make me fat before my trip?

t 💕
Didn't think about that before but now having it in mind, ya I am.

c 💕
I hate you.

t 💕
You love me.

c 💕
Both statements are very true.

t 💕
Yes, yes they are but for not just you.

c 💕

t 💕
Oh gtg love. The food is ready.
Cya soon!

c 💕
Cya ❤

love, millie

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love, millie.

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