18. "training"

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cblake: gettin' back in shape so I can look the part of an Avenger!

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tomholland2013: I love our trainer but where was he exactly looking...?

username: yas bb!

cblake: he was looking at my pecks boi! Maybe you should take some lessons from me and learn how to get some! tomholland2013

imsebastianstan: just so y'all know Cara or should I say Blake is secretly becoming Bucky's side bitch. That's where all the sass is coming from.

chrisevans: imsebastianstan what about me? I'm the king of sass on set, with the exception of RDJ.

username: the mcu peeps are the best!

robertdowneyjr: just so you know imsebastianstan I'm gonna kick your ass so hard tomorrow in training that "buck-o" over here won't even know what a "side bitch" is.

imsebastianstan: try me bitch robertdowneyjr

username: ^ o shit

cblake:robertdowneyjr calm down papa Stark

cblake: as for you three imsebastianstan chrisevans tomholland2013 especially for you seb less testosterone, please.


cblake: so... apparently Blake is Bucky's side bitch or something... is that in the script for IW or...? imsebastianstan explain?

     ↳imsebastianstan: nah just messing with you peanut! But seriously if there was this possible relationship in the future of the MCU maybe you should pay more attention to the scripts.

          ↳cblake: now you are making me want to read the IW script again for the one thousandth time! Thanks sebby!

     ↳imsebastianstan: ya, you go do that sis. Btw can you tell your tommy boy to lay off of me. Like dude tomholland1996 I'm like 14 years older than C and you two are very much perfect for each other, LAY OFF!

          ↳tomholland1996: maybe you should LAY OFF of my girl!



Tom [t 💕]
Cara [c💕]

c 💕

t 💕
Yes C.

c 💕
Lower your damn testosterone levels, k thanks.

t 💕
It's not my fucking fault Seb was flirting with you!

c 💕
Honey, dear if you call that flirting you need some lessons 😂

t 💕
He was all over you today and in your Instagram and Twitter comments!

c 💕
Ya ya ok.
Gtg cya at the trailer, maybe if you calm down you can get my sweet caramel cuddles!

t 💕
Anything for sweet caramel cuddles!
Cya love!

c 💕

love, millie

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love, millie.

𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒 ( tom holland. )Where stories live. Discover now