33. "christmas prep"

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*December 21, 2016*

As Cara and Tom sat by the fire place and Christmas tree in their home up in Paris Ontario, Ana, Cara's mother, was traveling back to Canada to spend Christmas with her and Tom as well as Cara's siblings. Little did Cara and Tom know Ana would meet the Holland's in London then they would all travel to Canada together.

"Love, I am going to do some last minute Christmas shopping. Do you want me to get anything or are you good?" Tom asked Cara as he thought of the actual plan that was going to be happening today while he was doing 'last minute Christmas shopping'

"Um actually could you get me more wrapping paper like this one? I am running out and could you get me more stamps so I could send my stuff over to London for your family?" Asked Cara while holding up the wrapping paper and stamps

"Yep! Consider it as done! I am going to be heading out now."

"Ok thanks Tommy boy! Be safe out there, the roads are messy."

"Don't worry I'll be fine. I have lived in London my whole life! Love, this isn't anything I haven't handled before."

"Ok bye love you!"

"Love you too! See you soon."

As Tom left the house he was getting so excited to finally get the ring that would symbolize their future together! A cheesy thought but they do sort of have a very cheesy relationship.


Tom finally arrived after nearly four hours of driving to a mall that was just only thirty minutes away from the house.


Tom [mr. HOTland]
Cara [ms. HOTland]

mr. HOTland
Just got to the mall. The traffic is crazy! I saw like seven car accidents on the way here! I'm glad I drove nice and slow.

ms. HOTland
I'm glad you're alive! But it would obviously take you like four hours to get there cause of the huge blizzard outside 😂
Oh I forgot to tell you tomorrow Luca, his wife and his baby (our nephew), Petra and her boyfriend, and Nora are coming over to the house and are staying till the 27th.

mr. HOTland
Ok! I am assuming only Nora is staying the nights and Luca and his family and Petra and her boyfriend have their own  place...?

ms. HOTland
Yep! Luca has our old house up here with his wifey, it is only a few blocks away from us and Petra has my old apartment. Nora lives up in Queens ;) but she is hoping to stay in one of our guest rooms which I should tell her it is all settled!

mr. HOTland
Ok! I better get to shopping I am still in the car. Cya when I get back ❤️

ms. HOTland
Cya ❤️


Tom entered mall going straight to the jewelry store. He was greeted by a nice woman that recognized him from being in Civil War.

"Hello and welcome to- oh wow you're Tom Holland. What are you doing here?" The lady asked

"Well I was hoping on trying to find this engagement ring." He said while showing the photo to the sales lady

"Wow that is beautiful! I know the exact brand but we don't carry it here, we do have very similar rings that are ten times better in quality and in the look."

"Ok perfect! Let's see them but before we start I can't really have anyone see me here because this is supposed to be a surprise and all so can I ask for your trust and know you aren't going to really tell anyone."

"Of course! I have wanted you and Cara to be together forever! I know this maybe hard to show you that I would not tell anyone but I assure you I am not going to tell anyone plus it is sort of apart of my job. Now let's get to the fun part! Follow me please."


"So is this going to be the one?" The lady asked

"Yeah, yeah it is."

"Ok what size would you like?"

"Could I have a size fifty-three or size seven? Whatever way you guys measure sizes."

"Yep coming right up! Is that all?"

"Yes thank you!"

"Ok so just the one size fifty-three engagement ring?"

"Yes please!"

"Ok coming right up. If the ring doesn't end up fitting perfectly you can always get it resized for free since it comes with the cost. "

"Ok perfect!"

"Let me package this all up for you and you can get going!"

"Ok thank you so much!"

Tom paid for the jewelry and then left the store secretly so he couldn't get caught. He then did what he actually came to do, get more wrapping paper and stamps for Cara.


Tom [mr. HOTland]
Cara [ms. HOTland]

mr. HOTland
Hey just leaving now. The mall wasn't as pack as I thought it would be! You want me to get some food on the way home?

ms. HOTland
Sure! Can you get the usual?

mr. HOTland
I'll see you soon.

ms. HOTland
Ok cya love!

 HOTlandOk cya love!

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love, millie.

𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒 ( tom holland. )Where stories live. Discover now