29. "thank you"

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"So... have you found a girl yet?" Cara asked as she was sipping on her milkshake

"Yeah but I think she may have the whole relationship thing planned out, you know?" Chandler said as he was stirring his milkshake avoiding eye contact with Cara

"Oh, well you see I wish I knew what you meant but I guess you could say I have always gotten it easy. Except for when my dad died and when you cheated on me."

"I am really fucking sorry about that, about everything."

"Don't worry about. I'm happy now, and I think I found my guy"

"You mean the guy?"

"Yeah, yeah I think so. I feel like this is actually gonna work out." Cara said while chuckling

Although Chandler's plan was to get Cara back, he knew he would never be able to make her as happy as she was with Tom.

"So you think you're gonna marry him someday?"

"Tom, well. We haven't had the talk yet and we are still only twenty years old also our families are totally fine with the fact but maybe in the next three to five years, maybe have a few kids. I don't know."

"So you have most of it all planned out for yourself?"

"Yeah you could say that."

Cara and Chandler exchanged longing looks and then Cara swiftly checked her phone due to the text tone that had gone off.

"Shit. I have got to go, I thought I had this afternoon off but now they need me on set. Robert, Gwyneth, and I need to film some last minute 'family' scenes. Talk to you later?"

"Yeah. Talk to you later."

Little did Cara know that would be the last time she would ever talk to Chandler as friends and not cast mates or as Erin and Carl.


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Liked by cblake, tomholland2013 and 828,356 others

chandlerriggs: possibly my last ever bestie date with this one. She has made it very clear that she is definitely going to be off the market for a long time and even though I don't want to lose Cara as a best friend, I think it is necessary for me to tell you all (including Cara) what I was actually trying to do. After I found out Cara had been dating Tom Holland I was extremely jealous and wanted her back, as you can all tell. I then texted Tom saying a bunch of shitty things and well guess what! I never went through with it cause while Tom was freaking the fuck out and while Cara and I would go on our little "dates" all she would talk about is how fucking happy she is with Tom and quite frankly her happiness is making me so happy for her. So basically what I am trying to say is that I feel so fucking guilty about making Tom worry so much about the girl he most definitely deserves and I am sorry if I put anyone through hell. I'm sorry, Tom and Cara.

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Thank you.
[read by chandlerriggs at 6:46pm]

there is gonna be a huge-ish time jump to after IW filming so don't get confused and there are gonna be more time jumps as well after that first major jump

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there is gonna be a huge-ish time jump to after IW filming so don't get confused and there are gonna be more time jumps as well after that first major jump. Also this was all happening in the start of November so basically it has been one month since IW filming had started (it's still 2016). I am going to end this book on chapter 40.

 I am going to end this book on chapter 40

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love, millie.

𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒 ( tom holland. )Where stories live. Discover now