32. "the plan"

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Niki/Nicola [mama holland]
Dom/Dominic [papa holland]
Harry [thing 1]
Sam [thing 2]
Paddy/Patrick [baby holland]
Tom [spooder holland]

thing 1
Why did you make a new chat?
Let me add Cara back!

spooder holland
I have something to tell you all, something very important.

papa holland
Ok then. If it is this important there must be a reason why Cara isn't added to this chat.

mama holland
Or have you and Cara broken up? ☹️

spooder holland
Oh god no! We didn't break up but... I have a plan for something :)

 I have a plan for something :)

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One of these maybe the ring :)

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One of these maybe the ring :)

thing 2
Oh my god

baby holland

mama holland
I'm crying. I am so happy!!!!!!! 😭❤️

papa holland
You broke mum.

spooder holland
I broke Ana too yesterday 😂

mama holland
You did not break me. I am just hysterically crying!

thing 1
I am so happy for you Tom!

thing 2
I hope Cara knows how to deal with you. Especially if you guys get married 😂

papa holland
She'll be fine!
I hope.

spooder holland
Wow thanks for the support guys!

baby holland
Wait! All you did was show us the possible rings, what is the actual plan?

spooder holland
Well I was thinking our families can go to Croatia for Cara's birthday, maybe like the whole month, and I would first surprise her with a lot of roses in the house we would rent out, then I would take her to a really nice restaurant on the beach that she would always to go to as a kid when visiting, then we would walk on the beach and I would have more roses like the petals on the ground with candles and stuff then I would pop the question with a little cute speech :))

mama holland
Awwweeeeee THAT IS SO CUTE

papa holland
She's crying even more, but that is really cute!

baby holland

thing 1
Mum, dad. Are you not acknowledging that Tom has offered us to go to Croatia with him, Cara, and her family?

thing 2

mama holland
We are going.

papa holland
Obviously! Duhhh

mama holland
So this is the plan?

spooder holland
Yep. This is the plan.

time jump time :)

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time jump time :)

time jump time :)

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love, millie.

𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒 ( tom holland. )Where stories live. Discover now