06. "vacation"

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Liked by petradobrev, noradobrev, and 672,728 others

cblake: sestre ❤️
tagged: petradobrev noradobrev

View all 262,384 comments

petradobrev: volim te 💕

noradobrev: all we are missing is Luca and tata ❤️

username: the Dobrev are a family of absolute angles

username: Dobrev family reunion

tomholland2013: family of true angles 💕

cblake: tomholland2013 💕

username: love!


Ana [mama]
Luca [brat]
Petra [sestra 1]
Nora [sestra 2]
Cara [dijete]

You girls coming to the house soon?

Petra is getting a cab while Nora and I are grabbing luggage :)

I wish I could have come! Sorry mama

It's ok sweetheart. You will just HAVE to come next time!

Will do!

sestra 1
We are leaving the airport now!
Tell the family we will be there soon ❤️

Ok love, all of you be safe when coming over here!

sestra 2
We always are mama!

Cya soon!



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