16. "fireworks"

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*Wednesday night*

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Liked by thelilicarson, and 962,672 others

cblake: perfect timing + fireworks = perfectly timed firework photo
📸: taylor_hill

View all 372,421 comments

tomholland2013: why are you wearing a cowboy hat?

cblake: going back to ye old roots tomholland2013

username: 💕💥

username: yeee hawwww!

taylor_hill: who knew a model could also be a damn good photographer?!

robertdowneyjr: come back soon! I need my favourite movie daughter back!

username: just waiting patiently for the filming of IW to start. I need cast photos!



Tom [t 💕]
Cara [c 💕]

t 💕
You need to come back to Atlanta asap.

c 💕
Wait why?
Is everything ok?

t 💕
Ya it's just that filming for IW is starting earlier.
Everyone should be on set by Friday...

c 💕
And you are just telling me this now?

t 💕
I just found out.

c 💕
Good thing my plane ticket can be used for any day this week until Sunday.

t 💕
How does that even work?

c 💕
Idk babe.
Well I have gtg pack and try to get on a flight to Atlanta asap.

t 💕
Ok, I'll leave you be.
Love you.

c 💕
Love you too.
Cya soon.

love, millie

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love, millie.

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