39. "last minute planning"

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*April 5, 2017*

Nikki [mama holland]
Dom [papa holland]
Harry [thing 1]
Sam [thing 2]
Paddy [baby holland]
Ana [mama dobrev]
Luca [mr. dobrev]
Annette [mrs. dobrev]
Petra [sissy in law 1]
Nora [sissy in law 2]
Tom [mr. holland]

mr. holland
So, how is the last minute planning? I haven't been able to do much which I am grateful you guys are helping me so much.

mama dobrev
Since the siblings were all busy with you two, your mom, Nikki and I booked a spot at the restaurant and also reserved a certain area on the beach near the restaurant for you. All we have to do is set it up and get the 21 rose bouquets!

mrs. dobrev
If need be I can steal Cara for the day so you can set everything up.

mr. holland
That would be great!
Nora, Petra, and Ana, could you help me set up everything tomorrow?

sissy in law 1

sissy in law 2

mama dobrev
Of course!

mama holland
Your father and I could put in the order of roses early in the morning.

mr. holland
That would be great mum!

mr. dobrev
Nikki, I'll come with you for translating and directions!

mama holland

mr. holland
Great, everything is settled! Nora, Petra, Ana, I will see you at around 11 tomorrow?

mama holland
Sounds good to me!

sissy in law 1

sissy in law 2

mr. holland
Ok! Mum, dad?

papa holland
Don't stress, we will get it done. Plus we will have Luca there to help us!

mr. dobrev

mr. holland
Ok I can breathe now.
Brothers, keep busy. Harry and Sam I expect you to babysit Ian and Paddy, play with him and keep him busy cause we all know Sam and Harry won't do that 😂

thing 2
Hey! We will play with Ian but since you did tell Paddy to do it then it is his responsibility. Harry and I will make sure they won't do anything bad!

mr. holland
We are all set with the plan for tomorrow and then we will hopefully be set for the day! Thank you all so much for the help! I have got to get going now, see you all tomorrow!


*April 6, 2017*

"Anne and I are going out together. I maybe late tonight." Said Cara

"Ok! Have fun be safe and don't get wasted! That's for tomorrow night!" Tom said through the sarcasm while thinking about the whole day that was planned out

"Will do, without the wasted part! See you, bye babe!"

"Wait!" Tom yelled


"Tomorrow I have you all to myself!"

"But it's my birthday."

"Ok fine, if you want to cancel on me..."

"No no no! I would never miss out on a day with you! I'll just tell the family and hope they will understand."

"Don't worry about that part. I told them all already and they are fine with it!"

"Ok. You always have to be one step away from me huh?"

"Yep!" Tom said smiling

"God, I hate you."

"You love me, a lot."

"I do! Shit, I have to go. I'll see you tonight! Bye love you!" Cara said while swiftly kissing him on the cheek

"Love you too, be safe!"

"Will do!" Cara yelled while running out the door


Tom had met up with Ana, Petra, and Nora at the restaurant on the beach and had set everything up perfectly.

"I think we did it." Tom said smiling

"I can't believe this is actually happening. I am happy for you Tom." Nora said smiling while Petra and Ana started tearing up

"God, you guys are gonna make me cry!" Ana said

"Come here." Tom said pulling the girls into an embrace

"Thank you so much for all the help and just everything you have done for me since we all first met back when Cara and I were fifteen."

There was a pause as they hugged then Tom's photo went off.

"Tom, your balls are vibrating." Nora said

"What?" Tom said looking up from the hug

"Your phone." Nora said while pulling away

"Oh right..."


Nikki [mum]
Tom [spider-son]

The 21 rose bouquet order is in and ready to go for pick up later tonight!
Annette texted Luca to tell me to tell you that Cara will be back at the 'house' by 12 which is the perfect time to give her the roses, in my opinion.

Now I am starting to freak out.

Sweetheart, everything is settled and ready to go for tomorrow. You will be fine and after all of it I am sure you and Cara will have your happily ever after.

Thanks mum, I have got to go now. Love you!

Love you too. See you on the 8th, after all the chaos ❤️

 See you on the 8th, after all the chaos ❤️

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love, millie.

𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒 ( tom holland. )Where stories live. Discover now