17. "welcome back"

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cblake: had to leave LA early sadly but it is for a very very good reason 😉
#infintywar #steele #blakestark #park

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username: yes!

username: how do you look so beautiful in every photo you take?!

imsebastianstan: yay! My other half is gonna be back!!

mavelstudios: can't wait to have you back C

username: ^wtf? Even Marvel Studios call her C!

robertdowneyjr: can't wait to see my little peanut!

username: ^ded

tomholland2013: 😊💕


[Thursday at 6:34 am]

"God, I can't believe we are already back to filming!" Cara said in excitement

"I know right! Also I cannot believe you got on a really fast flight over here! How are you not exhausted love?" Tom asked

"I have no idea actually, I mean I slept pretty well on the flight and slept pretty well yesterday so I mean I guess you could say I am sort of wide awake. Plus don't we have training in an hour?" Cara said

"Yeah, yeah we do. Damn we barely got anytime to spend with each other!" Tom explained

"Oh well. Hey at least we are stuck together for the next couple of months." Cara said grinning from ear to ear at Tom

"Yeah that's the bright side! We should get to ye' old training grounds and try to intimidate the crew!" Tom said with joy and cockiness

"Ok but just so you know I am going to be the only intimating one there with the exception of Seb and Chris. Like have you seen them?" Said Cara


As Cara and Tom made their way closer to "ye' training grounds" Sebastian noticed them and caught up.

"Hey Caramel! Welcome back!" Sebastian said hugging Cara

"Hey Sebby! It's great to be back!" Cara said in joy

"Don't get two close to her Seb! You are on the opposing team! I don't need my "daughter" being brainwashed like you were!" Robert said yelling from across the lot

"Hey no need to be rude! There is lots of me to go around!" Cara exclaimed

"That didn't sound wrong at all..." Tom said

After the awkward statements made by both Cara and Tom, Cara proceeded to walk away while the boys just stood still in place.

"You coming boys? We have got some ass kicking to do!"

"You coming boys? We have got some ass kicking to do!"

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love, millie.

𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒 ( tom holland. )Where stories live. Discover now