12. "thats a wrap"

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*October 2, 2016*

Liked by hazosterfield, tomholland2013, and 984,682 others

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Liked by hazosterfield, tomholland2013, and 984,682 others

cblake: peace-ing out of spidey hoco filming. Don't worry "Steele" and Spider-Man will return together ❤

tagged: hazosterfield tomholland2013

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robertdowneyjr: still don't know why Blake wouldn't take after her fathers name.

cblake: it's because Steele sounds 10 times cooler than iron-woman or iron-girl. Plus she is also 10 times more badass than Tony so.... robertdowneyjr

robertdowneyjr: now why is that?

cblake: can't say "dad." Sony and Marvel would kill me :) robertdowneyjr

username: Robert and Cara's relationship is so pure ❤

username: yes! That means will we get more "Park" in upcoming marvel films!

tomholland2013: username clever ship name. Parker + Stark = Park cblake

lifeofaloha: miss y'all already 💕

lauraharrier: miss you 😘

tonyrevolori: see you soon for press stuff!


Tom [spiderboy 💕]
Laura [gwen stacy who?]
Tony [barry allen who?]
Jacob [jay to the cub]
Harrison [batboy]
Cara [mary jane 💕]

mary jane 💕
I miss you guys.

Bruh tom and I are with you right now.

mary jane 💕
Not you two you fuck.

Love you too boo 😘

spiderboy 💕
Back up boi.
She's my MJ bitch

jay to the cub
Totally gonna miss this

barry allen who?

gwen stacy who?
Imma miss this!
You guys are too cute!

Awe thanks! I know THT is the bet group around!

spiderboy 💕
I was gonna be like "dood she was talking about c and I" but honestly Haz is actually correct from once.

mary jane 💕

barry allen who?
Welp nice talking to y'all. Gtg get on a flight back home.

gwen stacy who?
Same here, bye lovelies

jay to the cub
Bye guys! Have safe flights!

Bye my doods

spiderboy 💕

mary jane 💕
Bye loves! See you soon for some press stuff!

jay to the cub
Well I have also have to go. Boarding my flight now.


spiderboy 💕

mary jane 💕
Until next time everyone!

mary jane 💕Until next time everyone!

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love, millie.

𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒 ( tom holland. )Where stories live. Discover now