25. "coffee?"

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Liked by tomholland2013, chandlerriggs, and 862,554 others

cblake: my first day-off since starting the production of IW!

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tomholland2013: let me just remind you that this could have been a cute couple photo cause I was in bed with you while taking that.

cblake: sorry love ❤️ tomholland2013 forgive meh ❤️

tomholland2013: cblake ❤❤❤

username: Tara still strong ^

thelilicarson: yas slay mom!

laurencohan: look it's our daughter killing it! stevenyeun

stevenyeun: SLAY BB RHEE

robertdowneyjr: ummm... love you guys laurencohan stevenyeun but gwynethpaltrow and I are the real parents

gwynethpaltrow: 😂😊❤ cblake stevenyeun laurencohan robertdowneyjr

cblake: YES! MY OG PARENTS ARE HERE!! robertdowneyjr gwynethpaltrow

username: ^the Stark and Pots fam are together!!! I love the Stots (idfk what to call y'all) family!!

cblake: username honestly better than any type of "ship" name I have made 😂

username: 😂


Chandler [ex 1]
Cara [ex 2]

ex 1
You said you had the day off?

ex 2
Yes... why are texting me, we only talk when we are basically forced to socialize with each other.

ex 1
Well I was wondering if you wanted to go out for coffee and settle our differences, you know before the press tour stuff for season 8. Gotta show the media we some how still cooperate with each other!

ex 2
I mean you aren't wrong, for once. I guess we could go out for coffee.
Come to the same hotel I stayed at while we were filming TWD at around 3.

ex 1
See you then.

ex 2
See you.

love, millie

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love, millie.

𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒 ( tom holland. )Where stories live. Discover now