34. "merry christmas love"

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*December 23, 2016*

Luca, his wife Annette, and their son Ian had arrived at their house for a quick visit, they dropped off their presents for the twenty-fifth and let Tom and Cara babysit Ian.


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cblake: babysitting little baby dobrev. Can we get one tomholland2013?

tagged: lucadobrev annettehepburndobrev

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tomholland2013: NOT YET! But the time will come :))

username: why is all of the dobrev family so cute?!


username: this is so fucking adorable

username: I can't wait to see all the Christmas photos!


Cara got a knock on the door and told Tom to get it but he was sort of hiding that special something that would be used on April 7th.

"Tom can you get that?"

"I'm busy!" Tom yelled from the first floor of the house

"Ugh fine I'll get it!" Cara said running down the stairs

She opened the door seeing the Holland's and her mother and sister Nora standing there

"Holy shi- crap! Guys how are you all here?" Cara said

"Well Ana thought to bring all of us over to spend Christmas together!" Nikki said

"Well that is great! Come on in! Holland's, where are all your things?"

"At the hotel." Harry said

"Nora and I are gonna put our things in our rooms." Ana said

"Ok mom."

There was a short pause as the Holland's looked around the house.

"Tom! Your family is here!" Cara yelled from the living-room

𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒 ( tom holland. )Where stories live. Discover now