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If you have sensitive ears and a weak tolerance for inappropriate, yet truthful remarks, just keep on moving through the humor genre; this book isn't for you. To give you an idea of what we are talking about, allow us to elaborate. We haven't been to Sunday School since the horse and buggy days, and we are not Amish.

This book is about the "true" ins and outs of Wattpad. We will assist you in delving deep into the dark recesses inhabited by the asshats that cheat and manipulate their way to the top. You see, it's not about how well your story is written; this is the Survivor series of Writers, the Hunger Games of the unsuspecting, and eat or be eaten as we like to call it. Get out now before you fall into the same perils and can't crawl your way out.

On our journey into the Land of Horseshit and Hurt, we three will hold your hands and guide you. Never fear, this trio will always be there with witty remarks and snappy comebacks to ease your weary minds. The one thing that we praise ourselves on is "truth"; IF YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH, SHOVE IT UP YOUR ASS! This book isn't about you, or is it?

Now on with the show! Oh, one last thing. If after reading this you sit with your mouth agape and wonder, "Were they talking about me?" We have only one thing to say, "FUCK YES, AND FUCK YOU!"

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