Bookin' it in the Book Clubs

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Ahhh... the Book Club. The supposed safe haven from the horrid read for reads. Or are they???

Love them. Hate them. But they are a surefire way to get reads, right?

Maybe not! I don't mean to be a nay-sayer, but an awful lot of people join, and they don't even read one licking word. They cheat. And you want to know how they cheat? 

They scroll through your comments and either copied what some person who has actually taken the time to read what you have so skillfully written, or they book it altogether and never read your book at all. Whereas you have just wasted a good ten minutes on their drabble, left comments, a vote--everything you were supposed to, just to get cheated!

So here's the thing shady peeps: stop. I am in a firm believer in Wattpad Karma. That shit will roll down hill and stick it up your ass so quick. Maybe not today... or tomorrow...  but it will. 

Tit for tat bitches. Tit for tat!!!

If you sign up to join a book club, actually do what is asked and READ it.

My second issue with Book Clubs are the quacks that run them. Like seriously??? If you have more rules to your book club than there are ten commandments, there is a problem!

And the strikes? WTF is with the strikes?

I get it, contact you, do the reads...leave a five thousand word dissertation as to why this book is wonderful. But then if I don't # the shit you're going to not count it and give me a strike?

That really happened to me. The ADMIN ( I use that term lovingly and full of respect--not) had the nerve to bench me for a cycle and called me out on the STRIKES PAGE. 

Bitch please. I know you don't know me, but I am not the hoop jumping type. 

Maybe I'm not cut out for this shit. Maybe I'm not Book Club material. Apparent-fing-ly. Oh well. Their loss and my gain for not having to follow their stupid ass rules.

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