Let's Talk Grammar

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Let's talk grammar. And by that, I mean let's talk about those of you that think you know what the hell your (actually you're) talking about, but don't have a FUCKING CLUE!!!

Those of you that love to go into other's stories and pick it apart because they are missing a semicolon (which ninety percent of you do not know how to use properly) or have ellipses out the ying yang (please use them sparingly) or do not understand what the hell a dangling participle or a comma splice is:

Please for the love of God, back the truck up.

Go worry about your own story, edit the crap out of it, and don't bug everyone else by showing off your "English knowledge" because I can guarantee that your stuff isn't perfect either.

But in saying that, it is all right to offer suggestions. That's fine. But to stroll into a story, commander the comment thread and clog it up with "you're missing a comma here or you should have a period there"—please stop.

I constantly have people coming into my story, trying to pick it apart based on grammar, and you know what? There (they're) usually wrong. See, I use a manual (the CMS, aka, the Holy Grail bible for editing) when I write to ensure what rules I'm following, and that they are correct. So, when you all want to come over and attack my shit, you better know your stuff, and make sure that the rule I am following does not have more than one possible use.

For example: Wanting to tell me that I should use an em dash instead of a semicolon for emphasis.

Bitch, please.

I know how to use a hyphen ( - ), an en dash (–), and an em dash (—). The proper question is: Do you?

But I will offer this parting advice to keep you from getting picked on:

There are these things called dialogue tags. Please use commas before said, not periods. For example:

"I love reading this story," she said.

Do you see where I put the comma? That's right where it goes. Did you also see that she (pronoun after) is lowercase? Shocker, that's another rule that people fail to follow.

Ahhh... I'll get off my soap box now and leave you alone. Sorry, I had to vent and get it out somehow.

P.S. There is a shit ton of errors in this chapter too, but I did it on purpose to prove a point.

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