Why are WP Peeps So Damn Fake?

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Fake, fake snowflake... Yeah, I know who you are.  You're the person/people that "claim" to love a story on a writer's wall or in the comments section relegated to the bottom of the page. I get that sometimes that you really do love a concept, the way a writer writes, but really? What if their grammar is so atrocious that it's difficult to comprehend? What if they write in 3rd person omniscient, and the narrative head bobs from character to character? What if there is no really story arc/plot and the pacing gets caught up on five paragraphs describing a damn tree (yes, I have actually read that on here)?

Do you still love it that much? Really? Really, really?

Shoot, I love getting those messages/notifications. Who doesn't? But something that I quickly learned here in the Wattpadverse is that most compliments and the majority of those high five statements about one's writing or story is more than likely bunk.

For some damn reason here on WP, it is believed that blowing smoke up another person's ass is proper etiquette. And these people are fake as fuck!!!

What the hell, people?

I get it that I am too direct, too honest, and frankly too big of a bitch for my own good, but seriously what purpose does it serve to lie about the quality of someone's writing? Especially feeding that inner demon and saying they are wonderful, brilliant, even awesome sauce when they clearly are anything but.

One thing I am not a fan of is trolling or being mean or critical of any sort. I am a fan of offering advice--constructive and positive based feedback--which is rarely, if ever, sought or given on this site.  But if that is not the type of advice wanted, how will one ever become a better writer?

I get being supportive. I do. I wholeheartedly believe in it so much that I created a club to make sure that writers feel the love and support they deserve. But let's be honest here, I quit giving honest advice on anyone's story a long time ago. Now I'm the cheeky reader that cracks jokes or throws up suggestive emojis because I was taught by Thumper that "If you don't have nothing nice to say, then don't say nothing at all"--ENOUGH SAID.

And here is my reasoning why I have a problem with this. I, being naive as F, willingly believed the hype people touted about my writing. As writers we're already nervous and worrisome about the validity of our madness enough, and listing to the fake as fuck f'ers didn't help me one bit.

See, I took my pretty little story on here and had it looked at by publishers... And guess what?

I got my ass handed to me the first round. BIG TIME. And let me tell you something else... If you ever just take your "masterpiece" off here (without heavy editing and almost completely rewriting your fine masterpiece), more than likely, you'll receive the same fate.

I know that no one likes hearing that their story needs work or that your plot sucks. But here on WP is the place to learn and grow as a writer before you go out there in the BIG BAD WORLD of publishing... Because I can guarantee you that they will not spare your feelings one bit.

Maybe I'm wrong here, but I highly doubt it.

Now part two of my rant about the fake fuckers is that the people that are usually offering advice to edit or help one's stories (like 99% of judges in these WP contests) have no business doing so.

I respect the opinions of a few people on this site, but the number  of peeps I expect to honestly tell me if my story is good/bad/oh hell no, delete this crap right now is...

Maybe two?

And they know who they are, I think? They will rip my shit up without a second thought. So if I get a compliment from either of them (which is a rarity--joking) I do a little happy dance. Not big by any means.

But that's what you need if you want to become a better writer. Someone to challenge you. Someone who will question why you wrote this and didn't explain that. Someone who excels at writing and has an understanding of the basics and mind set needed to complete a story from start to finish. When and if you find someone like that here on WP, befriend them and learn from them. Pepper them with questions--just make sure not to annoy the fuck out of them like I do. ;)

Now that's not to discount the purpose of your friend's opinions here on WP. I am not telling you that. Without my "sisters" (AKA partners in crime), who I  have the utmost respect for, I probably would have given up a while ago with writing in general here on WP. They are the ones to bounce ideas off of or ask advice about your characters. They are the ones to see you through your darkest writing days and help you celebrate your wins. They're the ones to bitch to when your being trolled by a twelve year old that barely comprehends English, and the ones that go attack that little shit's story as punishment. Without the two of them... Yeah, it wouldn't be pretty.

My being "not nice" and "not playing well with others" probably is a detriment. I get it. Shit, it won't win me any popularity contests here on WP and probably the sole reasons the number of people I'm close to on here hovers around two(three on some days 😂😂😂) but I'm okay with that...

It's far better than being "friendlies" with all the fake f'ers. 😉😉😉😉

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