Hook, Line, and Sinker

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We threw the line out with cheap bait and caught the biggest, stinkiest trout of them all. This group of friends has the greatest fishing story ever to share. So hang on tight, readers, here we go.

After posting the first few chapters of this courageous book, we, 3Twistedsisters, placed a bet amongst ourselves. We had to wonder just what it would take to be reported to the Wattpad administrators, and which one of us would win the prize in getting us there.

Foul language was our start. How many f-bombs could we tastefully throw before someone found themselves uncomfortable? We did warn every reader in the introduction, so our fans must be able to stomach what most cannot (You make us so proud).

Crude sexual innuendoes were our next step down the road of impropriety, but you, our lovely followers, kept on trucking with us. Your comments were a delight to answer, and your support in our cause brought a smile to our faces.

The third path we traveled, led us deeper into trouble; 3Twistedsisters questioned the fairness of the site itself and the ruling of the administrators. Huh, most of you agreed with what we had to say, or you didn't say anything at all (but we know you were reading and watching).

It may have been the #Featured chapter that pushed that "one" reader to the edge of the cliff. He or she sat, with feet dangling, holding on for dear life by their sweaty fingertips. Did we touch a nerve or possibly poked the bear a little too hard?

This, my sweet lovelies, was all part of our masterful plan.

I was next up in our dastardly scheme and worked my magic with a single solitary chapter which told the reader exactly what to do. Satan's Waiten' was written to nudge this already teetering fan off of the ledge and plummet they did.

They took my silent, manipulative persuasion of genre-jumping and ran to the administrators quicker than a teenage boy puts a sock and a tube of hand lotion to work. All part of our well thought out, first-rate strategy folks.

For all of those that are confused at this point, listen up. We received notification early Wednesday morning that we have been "redirected" from humor to the random genre. So, now we are competing against contest books (Sorry, I may have peed a little because I am cackling so hard).

After much investigation and all-out laughter, we have acquired information from a few reputable sources that Wattpad would never have looked into our story unless someone turned us in as miscategorized (Remember, I said I know who you are? I wasn't lying). And all this time we thought we were funny. How could we be so wrong?

What does it take to become so hated yet loved, you ask? That little green monster just happens to be on the front of our book for a reason. Make 'em jealous, boys and girls.

Apparently, we know how to express ourselves better with our thoughts and snarky comments than our so-called competition. When you write about the same thing, but in more of a drone-on way, readers tend to hook on to a profile with a more vibrant personality (that would be us), and our competition couldn't handle the pressure.

So, now we have been dropped into random nothingness, and we are going to rock it with all of our faithful readers standing right there beside us. We do love "most" of you; hell, we adore you all. Without that special someone, I wouldn't have won the bet between my sisters and me.

Now, what shall I make them do? I'm taking requests, feel free to share your ideas.


I usually would never write one of these endnotes, but I have to ask. After reading this piece of literature as a whole, would you classify it as humor or random?

Let us know your thoughts.

We love you all and feel privileged that you stick by us. Kisses and hugs to you, Wattpaders.

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