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I know we have went on ad nauseam concerning these contests from how they are held on here.

But come on... they do give us such great material to work with.  ;)

So in keeping with my love of sounding redundant, my issue today of all days has to do with these contests that update for every damn reason.

Now I understand the need to update the entries. Actually, I fully appreciate those updates. Plus, it gives me a chance to stalk my competition (and don't judge, you do it too). Even letting us know if a certain genre is closed. Hey, thanks for the update since that way we are that much closer to get this big bad contest rolling.

But where I draw the damn line is when you update for these reasons:

1. To tell us that you updated your personal story on here. 

My response: Holy shit, let me get on reading your shiz like ASAP because I don't already have a gazillion other things I need to be doing besides trolling WP right now.

2. To tell us that you are having a bad day.

Okay, I get it. Mondays suck Donkey Kong Balls for everyone. But do you really need to update to let us know you have a shit ton of homework or have another test in ESL class???

3.  To tell us that you are putting the awards on hold for the umpteenth time (only to get back to hosting the awards in under twenty-four hours anyhow which will require another update from you).

Seriously? I think we have covered this big problemo with being a host/hostess with the mostess. Just because you're a greedy dumbass that doesn't understand the finer attributes of time management and can't finagle juggling RL and all the WP crazies that will stalk your every move once you launch your fabulouso awards on here, then there is no hope for you. Really just bow out, close the damn contest, and hide in shame for a few weeks. It's okay, far better peeps than you have tried and failed. (Not these biotches though).

4. To tell us that your awesomesauce book is ranked 999 on the random list (oh, wow) or that it has over 5 reads.

WTF people. Slay that beast and get a life off WP. LIKE RN. There are far better subjects to be addressed such as conveying that the judges that you have vetted actually will judge fairly and not just award their bish ass BFFF's the award because they roll like that. Just sayin'.

So in conclusion, before you even think of hosting an award on here, please for the love of God, please do not be one of those DIVA bitches that are only after the all mighty reads on here and trick us into clicking on your notification just to feed your inner ego. Ya'all need to get a life if you do.

Peace out boy/girl scouts. :)

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