Story of a Wattpad Whore

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Attention grabbing title there, right???

Yeah, that's what we were going for. That shock and awe to entice you to read this chapter.

See we see this chapter as more of a public announcement, a service of right doing for all our lovely readers to make sure that you are not "taken advantage of" by certain peeps on here.  The ones that we are speaking of are so vile that they are only after one thing.

Your money!

Yep, these assholes are touting themselves as editors and will, for the right amount, edit your Wattpad masterpiece. Funny right? We thought so too. We get paying an editor to edit a story, and there are even a few that we know of on here. But seriously, to be pimping yourself out, here on Wattpad? That's a little fucked up.

And here is our reasoning. We have used editors, a few in fact, to make our manuscripts better before sending off to agents/publishers/ etc. There are fine ones out there. We've seen their work and know the magic they can work. But to pay someone off here to do so, is a little idiotic to me. There is an entire thread over in the community section that you can "advertise" yourself, but anywhere else is just a bit... TACKY.

Here is some advice: if you are going to find someone on here to "edit" for you, they shouldn't be charging you. Shit, we help edit someone's story on here in some way shape or form a few times a week.  

But you know what??? 

Never once have we asked or expected to get paid for it. We do it to help others, not take advantage of them... unlike some people that shall not be named. 

So here is our advice to you if you are behaving in such a unsavory manner: Quit selling your goodies here on Wattpad. 

Stop. Really. 

If you want to be an editor, be a damn editor, off Wattpad, where you are not taking advantage of the unsuspecting for the almighty dollar. Go make a website, write a how to edit book here on Wattpad and then give out your info, directing someone to that site, rather than on here.

Our next issue with all this...

People now charging to read stories on here??? WTF is wrong with these people?

 We get it if you have a manuscript (again to send off to maybe one day get pub'd). Shit, we have paid beta readers for their services. 

But to charge to do a read for a story here on Wattpad? Who the fuck do you think you are? We can guarantee that you are not a "professional" at this, because if that was the case, you'd be in NY editing the next Stephen King or J.K. Rowling. Not trolling the community pages of WP, just to take advantage of the unsuspecting.

Again we get the adage, "If you're good at something, never do it for free." Actually, it was the Joker that said that in that crazy Batman movie with Heath (RIP). And should you do stuff for free? Of course not. It's just on here, Wattpad, the mecca of novice writers around the world, is not the place. Be like any other "sane person" and go make an add on Fiver, pimp your awesome on there and be a damn editor if you want.

Enough said.

Peace out boy/girl scouts! ;)

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