Everyone Needs to Get Off Their Wattpad Periods!

96 17 42

Yes, yes, if you are a female and take offense to that title, you can suck it. The reason why...

I'll divulge this little tidbit of personal info with you:

I'm a female--WOOO SHOCKER, right?

And therefore, I am not claiming to be "gender neutral" and hiding behind anything. So being born with an XX chromosome, I'm allowed to use the term "periods" without everyone jumping my shit.

Sorry, getting off topic here. Back to what I was saying. Everyone needs to get off their Wattpad periods... like Stat!!!

What is it with people that think they need to share every, single f'ing thing with everyone else? For example:

I just had a chalupa from Taco Bell, and now I have diarrhea... (Yeah, no shit--of the mouth).

I have a headache and can't even stare at the computer screen. Pray for me...(Dear God, even he can't be help you)

My cat  Fancy Paws is having its balls removed, everyone. I can' t update the latest lame ass chapter of  The Bad Boy Stole my Thong and is Now Wearing it on His Head...

My boyfriend, that I've been dating for three hours, just  dumped me because I cheated on him... What am I going to do???

Like WTF???  Do you not have any dignity at all?

Seriously, why must you share all of that with Wattpad universe??? And furthermore, why in the world would you hit that silly little button that reads, "Notify my Followers." Because then your problems become my problems, drama finds drama, and now we're all ass deep in a quagmire of your shit!!!

Eek!!! Stop the insanity, people! Please, I am down on my knees, with my hands folded and begging you.

Eek!!! Stop the insanity, people! Please, I am down on my knees, with my hands folded and begging you

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                                                               (Sorry, I just love Big Time Rush)

For the love of all things holy and sacred, please keep your (inner and outer) turmoil to yourselves!!!

No one gives a shit. Not really. Not even your WATTPAD BFFFFFFF's that you've known for all of five days that you're ready to go buy that heart necklace that breaks in half. The one where you get the BF and he/she gets the FS. AWWWWW...

I get it, maybe it's a full moon, and the werewolves are howling (hey this is WP, we believe that shit is real), but really, please... keep your crazy-ass, bat-shit bottled up in that mind of yours. 

And if you have a serious mental issue or are feeling depressed or suicidal, I ask that you please seek the proper help from a professional and not from any crackpot on here.

Anyway...I've said my peace!

I've said my peace!

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