Chapter 4

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   I was sitting on Negans couch waiting for him to come back with a new change of clothes. His room was nice and clean. He had a desk and stack of books that are just for decoration. I heard the door open and look to see Negan with some folded clothes. "Here, this is all my wives had that are clean." He hands me the clothes.
I nodded and gave a quick thank you before walking into the bathroom and shutting the door. I laid the clothes on the table and tired to figure out how to start the shower. I finally figured it out and got undressed while the shower was heating up. I stepped in the shower and let the water run down my hair. I just stood there not moving until I heard a knock on the door. I was knocked out of my trance and I realized how cold the water had gotten "Is uh everything ok in there?"
"Yeah almost done." I said and then hurried up and washed my body trying to ignore how cold it was. Once I was done I turned off the water and grabbed a towel and started to dry myself off. I put on the clothes that Negan gave me. They fit for the most part but I was grateful that I didn't have to wear those clothes that I had on before. I hung my towel back up and opened the door. I saw Negan on the couch with his head in his hands. Once he saw that I was out he quickly got up. "I uh think I used all the hot water."
He gives a small chuckle "yeah doesn't surprise me you where in there for about 20 minutes."
Dang I didn't think I was in there for that long at all. "Sorry."
"No need to apologize I like taking cold showers." He says obviously lying
I just smile as he walks into the bathroom and shuts the door. I pull the covers off of his bed and get in. His bed is actually extremely comfy. A couple minutes later I hear Negan open the bathroom door. I watch him as he lays on his couch. I kept trying to go to sleep but my mind wouldn't let me. Every time I closed my eyes I would see Jake hovering over me. After about an hour I gave up on trying to sleep. "Negan are you still awake?" I ask
"Can I ask you a question?"
He sits up from the couch and looks at me "Sure as long as I can ask you one."
" Okay... why did you name it Lucille?" I ask kind of hesitantly.
He staring off into space as if he is pondering if he wants to tell the truth. " I had a wife named Lucille." He says with a straight face not even looking at me.
"Now time for me to ask you a question." He says putting a smile back on his face.
I get up from the bed and make my way over to the couch. I see Negan staring at me the whole way probably wonder what has gotten into me. He straightens up and moves to the other side of the couch making room for me to sit. I sit down and then crisscross my legs to where I'm facing him on the couch.
"What did you do before this?" He asked with his arm resting on the arm rest.
"I was studying to be an archeologist that's probably why I'm so good when we go on runs." I say just now realizing that's probably the reason.
"Have you ever been out of the country?" I ask
"No, when Lucille got sick we had to use all of the money towards chemo."
"Oh I'm sorry to hear that."
"Yeah cancer is a b*tch."
I just nod my head in agreement.

  I woke up to the sound of an alarm clock. It sounded so foreign it's been years since I have woken up to one of those. I turn it off and sit up on and rub my eyes. My heart almost stopped when I realized that I must have fell asleep talking to Negan on the couch. And he must have carried me to the bed. Why was negan being so nice to me? From what I hear he is like Satans brother.
   I look to the couch and I can see Negan starting to get up. I soon realized we have to go on a run today. I get up and go to the bathroom. I fix my hair and brush my teeth with my finger and toothpaste because I don't want to ask Negan for a toothbrush so I just decided to wing it. I'm trying to hurry because I know that Negan is probably waiting on me to get out. Once I was done I opened the door and Negan was right outside the door looking at me. "You are not going on this run today." He says with his arm above him resting on the bathroom doorframe.
"And why the f*ck not." Crossing my arms
"After what you went through last night putting you out their will just be a risk to you and the team." He says moving out of the way as I made my way into the room.
"I'm fine." I say then walked out the door. I was so caught up in what I was thinking I didn't even realize that I want paying attention to where I was going and I ran into somebody and I immediately started apologizing. I look up to see who I hit and realize that it's just Matt. "Oh hi Matt."
"Hey Haliey, listen I heard what Jake and his friends did to you and I just wanted to say I'm really sorry for that."
"That's Matt means a lot." I say as we started walking over to the gates for the meeting. There was about five people their and I could feel that they where watching me and I got really uncomfortable. Matt noticed how uncomfortable I was and started trying to make convocation. "So where did you sleep last night."
"I uh slept in Negans bed while he slept on the couch." Matt looks at me like I have just grown two heads. "Are you serious I have never heard of Negan being that nice to anybody. Not even to his wives."
Before I could even respond to that comment I hear Negan beginning to start talking. I look over to him and he is on top the hood of a car with Lucille in his hand. "Today we will be going East to a strip mall about 40 minutes away. This is going to be a simple in and out. I don't expect to have any f*cking problems am I clear?"
"Yes sir." The group said
"Alrighty lets get this show on the road."
Negan then hops of the hood of the car and starts talking to Dwight.  I am left looking around wondering who I am going to ride with.
"Hey you can ride in my car if you want too." Matt says
"Yes that would be great if you don't mind." I say with a sigh of relief.
"Not at all."  He says as he starts walking to his car with me following behind him.

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