Chapter 31

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         "And last but not least Hunter and Haliey take the far two houses." Negan says finishing the list of who all goes where. Me and hunter was silently rejoicing when we heard that we got the last two houses. That will make it so much easier for people not to see him escape.
       We fast walked all the way until we got into the house. I knocked on the front door and waited for a couple seconds. When I didn't hear anything I walked right on in knowing that we have to get this show on the road. I turn around and Hunter is there looking down on me We both suddenly wrap our arms around each other into a big bear hug. I could smell his musky scent in his jacket. It was a hug I never wanted to let go of because I knew once I did he would be gone.
          When we separated I could tell his eyes was getting watery. He blamed it on the allergy's but we both know better. "Are you ready for this?" He asks reared back ready to knock me out. I shake my hands trying to get mentally ready. "Ok yeah go." I say nodding my  head. He had a regret look on his face the whole time. I closed my eyes so I wouldn't see it coming. I felt the blow on my cheek bone. It was a moment of pain followed by complete darkness.

       "Haliey wake up!" I hear somebody yell why I shaking me awake. I slowly open my eyes and see Charlie in my face. "What the h*ll happened?? And where is Hunter?" He asked while helping me up. When I got up I walked over to the dinning room table and sat on one of the chair. "What did you say?" I ask Charlie not knowing what he just asked me. "I asked where's hunter and what the h*ll happened to you?"
         Everything started coming back to me. I had to try to stall for as long as I could to get hunter get as far away as possible. "How long have I been out?" I put my hands on my head trying to ease the pain of the headache I feel coming. "About an hour and a half... assuming that you where knocked out when we first got here." I nod my head in understanding
I could hear somebody fast walking through the front door. I looked and and saw Negan walking towards me. "What the h*ll happened?" He asked. "I don't know I was just about to ask." Charlie said. They both look at me waiting for my answer.
I don't know, were looking through the house and Hunter came and knocked me out. That's all I know." I can see Negan starting to get pissed. "Do you know where he went?" Charlie asked me. "I remember him talking about some safe house he had somewhere west of here." I say doing my best to draw them away from were Hunter actually was.
Negan nodded his head and left the house. I could hear him talking to his men about going west. I gave a relieving sigh when I realized that my plan is actually working. After a few minutes Negan came back into the house. "Charlie, take Haliey back to Carson. I'm going to go look for that pr*ck." He says while twirling Lucille around.
      Seeing Negan with the bat just gave me shivers of what he would do if he actually caught him. It made me sick to my stomach that I could loose another friend to that bat. God be with him.

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