Chapter 57

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I decided to go visit Daryl while I was here; I knew that Negan wasn't going to do anything to Judith while I was gone. I knocked on his door and a couple seconds later he answered. "Hailey what are you doing here? Where is Negan?" He asked me and I looked at him confused.  Does he really not know what Carl did and what we are doing here?

Once I filled him up on everything that just happened he was going to go talk to Negan but I hurried up and stopped him. "You know you can't do that. I stopped him once from taking you I don't know if I could do it again." I tell him with my hand on my shoulder. He wanted to object but he knew I was right. "How has it been up there." he asked me " My first couple weeks there was the worst. He was getting mad that I wasn't scared of him. So to try to get me to fear him he killed my friend Matt. And then put me in this hell hole room for a week. But now it has gotten better. He knows that I am not afraid of him and I think he has just accepted it." I tell him giving him a quick summary. Avoiding the kissing scenes though. "I promise we are going to get you out of this. " I gave him a smile and nodded at his attempts to make me feel better.

We stayed like this for a couple more hours just talking until I realized the time and decided I should head back. I stood up off my chair and gave him a hug. Once I pulled back I looked straight up at his hair. " you should really go get a hair cut" I tell him with a smile. and for the first time in a long time he actually smiled too. I have been telling him that he needed to get a hair cut ever since the farm but now he really needs it.

When I got back inside to where Negan was, Carl was rolling dough and Negan was sirring something. I walk over to him with a confused look on my face and look in the pot and it was sauce and in the other one it was noodles. "Are you cooking?" I asked looking up at him and saw that he didn't ahave his facial hair anymore. "Did you shave?" I asked him and he smiles at me. "Why yes I did. You like?" He asked while rubbing his face. "It makes you look older." I say to him as I walk over and get Judith. I could see out of the corner of my eye Negan putting his hand by his heart acting like he got hurt. "Ouch" he tells me but I just chuckle at him and leave to go get some of Judiths toys.

We got an Elephant and and a teddy bear and called it good and headed back down stairs. "Why are you cooking?" I asked loooking at him. "Because I had the stuff to do it and why we are waitingfor Rick I just fugured why not." He tells me with a smile and I just nodded my head. He was sturing the sauce and took the spoon out and put it near my lips letting me to try it. I hesitated trying it because I have no idea how goood of a cook he is. I slowly opened my mouth and and tried a little bit of the sauce. I widen my eyes surprised that it didn't taste terrible. " Where did you learn how to cook?" I asked him and he chuckles and puts the spoon back in the pot. " I had a life before all of this." He says and I just shrugged my shoulders and took Judith over by the dining room table and set her on the ground letting her play with her toys.

Negan was sitting down as me and Carl was setting the table. I put four plates down and Carl started doing the silverware. "We are going to need another setting." He tells Carl. Carl sighs and walks away to go get another plate and silverware. I lean over the table and started talking in almost a whisper so they wouldnt hear. "We don't even know if Rick is going to be back today." I tell him and he just smiles "He will be here." I stood up straight and just shook my head at him. But then a thought came into my mind and I walked over and sat at a chair that was by him. "You want to make a bet?" I ask him and he looks over at me with a confused look but decides to play along. "With what?" He asks and I just started smiling. "If Rick isn't here in two hours then you have to do me a favor." I tell him.

He leans up and puts his elbows on the table looking interested. "Ok and if I win..." He was about to tell me but then he furrowed his eyebrows "Wait what can I get out of this if we already made a deal that you have to do whatever I want?" He asks me but I just shugged my shoulders "I don't know come up with something. It doesn't have to be now" I tell him leaning back in my chair with a smile on my face. "So do we have ourselves a deal?" I ask him with a smile on my face knowing that he can't refuse something like this. He extends his arm and I shake his hand. "You have yourself a deal." he says smiling. When we let go of each others hands I get up to go help Olivia. I started walking but then I remembered that I might want to put some restrictions on his part. I turn around and leaned over his shoulder close to his ear. "And nothing sexual" I tell him as I lean back up and continued to walk to the kitchen. "No promises" He says to me and I could tell by his voice that he was still smiling.

Two hours later we are sitting at the table. Negan is sitting across from me tapping on the table you could tell that he was pissed. He looks up at me and sighs. "Im not waiting for your dad anymore... I don't know where in the hell he is. But Lucille is hungry."  He says while standing the bat on the chair next to him. 

I couldn't help but smile at him but I knew that would start to raise some questions so I hurried up and ate my food to cover my smile.  This has to be the best food that I have ever ate since the shit hit the fan.  And Negan did all of this.  Granted Carl did do the rolls but Negan told him what to do.  That just makes me wonder what other talents does he have that I don't know about.

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