Chapter 36

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"We are going on an adventure!" Negan says as he barged into my room with is hands out wide. "Adventure?" I ask with a confusing look on my face. "Yuppers, I'm going to show you how we actually get all this cool sh*t you see around here today." He says using Lucille as a pointer to point to all the stuff in my room.
    He could see that I was still confused so he kept on explaining. "What? you actually thought we got all this by scavenging on our own?" He asks with a smirk on his face. "What, you have other groups help you?" I ask trying to understand. "Yes! Exactly." He says while pointing Lucille at me and doing the leaning back thing he always does. "We have other groups contribute for the greater good. "But now I feel like you should be more...included." He says walking up closer to me. "So now I'm going to take you on your first business meeting." He says with excitement. "Does this have anything to do with all the people that's been leaving here?" I ask referring to seeing hundreds of people leaving the sanctuary earlier today. "Why yes it does!" He says with a cheeky smile.
           I am really not getting a good feeling about this. Nothing Negan does is ever good. But I am going anyways to see what he actually does. I nod my head " Okay, when do we go?" He checks his watch on his wrist and smirks "right now."
    "What? It's getting dark soon. Why are you doing a "business meeting" this late?" He smirks " Because that's when they will least expect it." He winks at me then turns around and walks out of my room. But before he is all the way down the hall he yells "be by the gate in 15." And starts whistling that same tune he always does.
    When I got to the gate there was a group of people all around the gate with every weapon you could think of. Everything from rifles to machetes. Whatever this is they are really trying to make strong first impression to show how "well off"they are. "What the h*ll." I whisper to myself. This is beginning to look less and less like a business deal.
           "Okay! Lets load em' up!" Negan yells to the group and everybody scattered like mice getting into their vehicles. I walk over to Negans truck and get in his passenger seat. I put my feet on the dirty dash board and wait for him to get in.
          When he finally does he has that mischievous grin that made me shiver. He started his truck and followed behind a uhaul looking truck. I ignored him and looked out the window. The sun was beginning to set making the sky a orangish, pinkish color. Where the h*ll are we going this late? I say thinking to myself. I still can't get over it.
         I woke out of my daydream when he makes a sharp turn down a back road. The truck in front of us was kicking up dirt making it hard to see what was in front of us. But I could still see all the trees there was. I looked at Negan and he had that look like he knows one of your secrets.
The truck in front of us slowed down and pulled off to the side. Negan did the same and parked the truck and got out I leaned up to see where we are. There was a huge open area we where making like a half of a circle with the cars. I got out of the car looking around as Negan came and stood next to me.
There was already about 50 people here that already had their cars all parked. "Woo! I'm ready for some excitement!" Negan yells to no one in particular. I roll my eyes at how excited this makes him. About that time an RV comes driving up the same way we came in. "That isn't one of ours... is that the other group?" I ask looking over at Negan. "Yes it is indeed!" He says with a grin huge grin on his face, not taking his eyes off the RV as it drives past us and parks at an empty slot to the left of us.
Negan walks over to the RV and I slowly walk behind him wanting to know what's going on. About the time we walk over there a man got pushed out of the RV and made me jump. The man didn't stand up he just stayed on the ground. He was so scared I could see him shaking from here. I wanted to go see if he was alright but I knew that probably isn't the best idea right now, so I just stayed put and waited to see what will happen.
Negan walks up by the the mans face. The man looks up a little bit to looks at Lucille that is hanging loosely in Negans hands. He man looked like he got a little knocked up but nothing he couldn't recover from. No broken bones from what I could see.
"Where's the rest of your group?" Negan asks the man on the ground. But the man doesn't speak. "Are you deaf or something?" The man slowly begins to sit up and got on his knees. "No sir." Negan puts his hands behind his back "then, where. Is. Your. Group?"
The man looks up at him "by my calculations they are far away from here." Negan just laughs and takes a few steps back. " wouldn't be so sure about that." He says smiling.

Negans weaknessWhere stories live. Discover now