Chapter 37

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           "Negan what the h*ll is going on here?" I ask. Negan turns around and is about that answer me but then we starting hearing whistling. It was the same tune that Negan always whistles. Negan smiled "you're about to find out sweetheart." He turns around and starts whistling that same tune as he slowly made his way into the RV. That RV looks a lot like dales old one. But there's no way that's possible
         Why is he going in there? I thought. The whistling from the saviors started getting louder and louder. I found myself backing up out of the open area. I stood next to one of Negans trucks surrounded by a whole bunch of men trying to look as bad*ss as possible. I look over at the man who was on his knees. He looks like he just saw his puppy getting run over. Which in all reality I would too if I was in his situation.
Not long after I see a group of people come running right into the open area. And as if on cue everybody turned on their headlights to brighten the place up. The group was too far away to see any of their faces bug I could tell they where scared sh*tless. Some of the group members was carrying a stretcher with somebody on it. There was about six people in their group. I wonder where they washers going.
Simon walks up to them and starts talking to them but I'm too far away to hear anything else but murmuring. Simon looks like he is trying to act like Negan, the way he slowly paces and the way he flicked that hat that person had on.
I moved to the front of his truck and sat the hood of it waiting to see what happens. Simon made some of the saviors go and strip the group of their weapons. They slowly laid the stretcher down and helped the women get in her knees. Even though I was far away I could still see how much see was sweating by the way it shined of off all the lights. You can just tell by her physical appearance she is very sick.
One of the saviors went and got the man who was in the RV and dragged him over to the rest of his group. And pushed him down to his knees. Once everybody was on their knees Simon yelled "Let's get the other ones. Right now." What does he mean by other ones? "Dwight!" Simon yelled "chop chop."
Dwight had a crossbow with him as he slithered past all the saviors and headed towards a van. Since when has he had a crossbow? Dwight opened up the back of the van and there was people inside is. I shook my head at what was happening. Dwight reached in a pulled four people out and pushed them to their knees with the rest of their group.
There was a man who had a blanket looking thing wrapped around him. You could tell he was weak by the was he was struggling to stay in his knees. "What the h*ll is going on?" I say quietly to myself. "Negan is about to beat the sh*t out of one of these guys and then we take half of their sh*t." A man said who was standing next to me.
It felt like my heart just dropped to my stomach when he said that. I knew Negan wasn't a good guy but this is just evil.
"Alright! We got a full boat." Simon says as he is slowly walking back to the trailer. "Lets meet the man." Simon knocked on the RV and then slowly walked out of the way.
I started shaking my head of what is about to come. I heard the RV door open and Negan steps out with Lucille on his shoulder. "Pissin our pants yet?" Negan says as he starts walking closer to the group. "Boy, do I have a feeling we are getting close." Negan looks over in my direction and smirks at me then turns around and continues talking to the group.
I shake my head in disbelief and quickly got off the hood of the truck and made my way back into the woods. I just kept on walking trying to get as far away as possible. Once I couldn't see the lights anymore I stopped and leaned up against a tree. I just stayed there for what seemed like forever just thinking about what's happening. He knew exactly how I would react. He knew I would want no part in this and yet he brought me anyways.
I can't believe this is happening. I ran my fingers through my hair trying to ponder the whole situation.

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