Chapter 17

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Negan's POV

I saw Halieys eyes closing and my heart immediately suck to the bottom of my stomach. I ran over to her and tried to tap her cheeks to wake her up. Carson put his stethoscope in his ears and puts the end to her chest. I was being as quite as I could to make sure he could hear.
He didn't say anything for a while just kept on moving the position on the stethoscope. I was getting more worried with every movement. He sat up and let go of the stethoscope and it dropped to his chest he pulled the things out of his ears and put it back around his neck. "She's alive, she just went unconscious which is good for her in this moment." He says while moving his rolling table over to Haliey and sat down on his stool. "Why's that?" I ask.
"Because now we have to take the bullets out."
      I went over and pulled a chair over to the table and took a seat. I watched as the doctor as he got prepared. He poured peroxide on her wound and then wiped it off with a rag. All the blood was mostly off and I could finally get a better look at her wounds. She had over 20 bullet holes on the side of her stomach. I am glad I'm not one of those people who are scared of holes. Because this sh*t is nasty.
The Carson but on his glasses and got the tweezers out. He dug into her skin to get the pellets. He pulled one out and put it in the metal bowl. He repeated this process for what seemed like forever. The only sound that I heard that entire time was the tinking sound of the pellets hitting the bowl when he dropped them.
He finally sat up and took off his rubber gloves and put them in the trash can behind him. "She is going to be fine. Just glad you brought her in here when you did. But I should warn you there is a small possibility that not all of the pellets are out and it could cause them to go into her blood stream. This is a very rare situation but if she starts getting lightheaded or having headaches bring her in." He says while taking off his glasses. I nodded and sat up "When will she be good to be moved?"
"Not long I have to do a couple more things and then she will be all yours." He said looking at one of his clip boards.
I let out a sigh and left the room. I ran my fingers through my hair and leaned against the wall. That was way too close. It took me a minute to process what just happened.
I was about to go to my room when Dwight stopped me from behind. "She alright?" He asked walking in front of me. "Yeah, She is going to be fine." I said and tried to keep walking but he didn't move.
"Why did you care so much?" He asked with a confused look on his face. "What do you mean?"
"It's not every time somebody gets hurt you carry them bridal style to the doctor." He says with a smirk. "You like her don't you? And this isn't just another future wife kind of thing. No you more than like he-" I cut him off before he could say anything else. "You better shut your
f*cking mouth before I burn the other side of your face." I say then shoulder checked him when I walked passed.
    When I got to my room I shut the door and took my shirt off and started heading to the shower. I was about to put the shirt the dirty clothes pile when I noticed how much blood was really on my shirt.
Man, I was really close to loosing her. But why do I even care? She wouldn't care if I was found dead tomorrow. But still the first thing I do when I get out of my room is go looking for her.
I shake my head and sit down in my bed. I put my elbows on my knees and my hands on my forehead. "What the h*ll am I get myself into?"

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