Chapter 39

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Negan walks over to Rick and squats down to his level making sure Lucille is close to his face. "What? I didn't quite hear that you're  going to have to speak up." Rick looks at the ground almost like he is trying to get himself together. "Not today, not tomorrow, but I'm going to kill you." That statement brought shivers done my spine. I know Rick always keeps his promises. I shouldn't have a problem with Rick killing Negan but I do. Even after all that he has done to me and other people.
"Jesus...Simon, what'd he have?" Negan asked not taking his eyes off of Rick. "He had a hatchet." Simon replied. "Uhh, hatchet?" Negan asked looking up at Simon. "He had an axe."
Rick was pursing his lips and looking at Negan with those deadest eyes as Negan was talking. "Yeah, give me his axe." Simon slowly walked over to Negan and handed him the axe. Once Negan took it he slowly walked back to where he was previously standing. Negan just stared at Rick for a while like he was trying to decide which d*ck move to play next.
Negan gets up and puts the axe in between his belt and his jeans. He then grabs Rick by the shoulders "I'll be right back maybe Rick will be with me." He says as he starts dragging him to the RV. "And if not. Well then we will just turn these people inside out... I mean the ones that are left." He then throws Rick into the RV. He looks back at me and winks then hops into the RV and shuts the door behind him. I can only hope nobody from my group saw him do it.
I can hear him trying to start the engine. I smirk when it doesn't start. That things always been a piece of sh*t.
It took a little bit but once they left I immediately went over to Carl. He didn't get up just stayed in his knees while I went over there and engulfed him in a hug. He was squeezing me so hard it was actually getting kind of hard to breathe. He has definitely gotten stronger "I thought you were dead." He says
I pull back from the hug and look at him. "Hey, it's going to take more than a tank and a piece of sh*t that calls himself the governor to get rid of me." I say through a weak smile. He smiles and gives me a nod.
"It's almost dawn. Where the h*ll is he taking him??" I look back asking Simon. "Oh you will learn soon enough."

Negans weaknessWhere stories live. Discover now