Chapter 13

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     He puts on his pants and a t-shirt and he tells me to follow him out the door. We go outside and it is so dark I could see the stars and even some of the Milky Way. He takes me into the inventory building and one of the men who is taking Watch let's us in. He walks all the way down past all the stuff they have available and takes us to the back. I finally see a metal freezer door and he goes up to it and opens the latch.
       We walk in and I follow him and there is shelves stacked with frozen food items. I started rubbing my hands over my bare arms to try to get warmer, but it wasn't helping. But then I saw the alcohol and I was right as rain after that. He had everything from Gin to Bud Light. "Pick whatever you want." He says while grabbing some beer.
      I was so excited I felt like a kid in a candy shop. I hoped over to the drinks and I get the Jack Daniels and the Vodka. "That all you want?" He asks
"Yeah I think this will be enough for tonight." I say as I am walking out of the freezer. He is right behind me and when we both got out he used his free hand and shut the door. I was so excited until I thought about the points. "Wait is this going to cost me points? Because there is no way in h*ll I can afford all this." I say kinda getting worried I'll have to give it back. He just gives a genuine chuckle and shakes his head. "Nope this ones on the house." I gave a sigh of relief and continued walking out of the warehouse.
       I decided to take a drink of the Jack Daniels so I put the vodka under my arm pit and get the Jack Daniels and twist the cap open. Once I did I put the glass bottle to my lips and took a long sip. I groan as the burning sensation went down my throat.
I am still following Negan and he takes me to the back of the warehouse and starts going up the latter that leads to the roof. Should I really be following him? I decided to ignore my instincts and follow him. I put the drinks on the inside pocket of my jacket so I could climb up. I put my hands in the latter and it was cold to the touch. I went up the latter for what seemed like forever until I finally reached the roof.
I look around and I see Negan with two lawn chairs. He is already sitting in his so I sit in the blue one next to him. Once I sit down I pull the drinks out of my pocket and set the gin down and started sipping the Jack Daniels. I do think it's kinda weird that he has two lawn chairs and not just one here but I just decided to ignore it.
I sit down in the lawn chair next to Negan and I look at the stars and just get lost in them. We don't say a word for the longest time until Negan said "What's the one thing you miss the most about the old world?" He didn't take his eyes off of the stars when he asked.  "Umm I don't's a tie between alcohol or Tv." I say feeling alright with my answer. "What about you?" I questioned really not caring but I felt like I should ask. "Mine would be sports. Baseball in particular." He says smirking.
"What do you not know what baseball is?" He says smirking.
I roll my eyes even though I know he can't see me. "I know what Baseball is. It's just that I thought you would be more into football or something." I say taking another drink.
"But I carry around a bat." He says now looking at me. "Well it's not like you can kill a walker with a football smart*ss."
He looks away from me and starts chuckling "You just made my boy parts get bigger." He says and takes another drink of his beer. I shake my head and continue to drink my whiskey. I can feel it starting to get to me but I honestly didn't care. I just kept on drinking until I ran out. "How much you want to bet I can throw this beer bottle farther than you can throw your yours?" He says getting up with his bottle and going to the edge. I smirk and get my bottle and go stand beside him. "You go first." I say
He chuckles and rears back and throws the bottle as far as he could. He is so drunk he almost fell off the ledge but he caught himself. But I actually got scared that he was going to fall. That's weird, why could I care if he fell or not. I decided to ignore it and throw my bottle. It goes about 15 feet farther than Negans glass shards. "Where did you learn to throw like that?" He asked impressed. "I played softball in high school."
He nods his head "That was pretty impressive but I won." He says showing his victory smile. "Are you stupid or just plain dumb? My bottle went a good 15 feet ahead of yours." I say pointing at the shards of glass on the ground. "Okay how bout this, whoever wins this next competition wins?" He asks, his eyes daring me to play. "Ok fine." I say and we shake hands. "Whoever can scream the loudest." He says smiling. I smirk in agreement and he puts his hands around his mouth and yells "F*ck you!"
I started laughing and soon got Negan to laugh with me. Once I settle down I put my hands around my mouth and yelled from the top of my lungs. "F*ck you!" I felt myself getting off balance but before I could fall I felt a pair of arms go around my waist and kept me from falling. I started laughing and I turn and look at Negan. "I think I won that one. Even though I have to admit it was pretty close." I say
"What? no way. I was clearly way more louder than you." He says smiling. He lets go of my waist and leans over the edge. "Hey Mike who yelled the loudest?" He asked the man who was taking watch. "You did sir." I hear him yell back.
Negan slaps the ledge with his hands and turns around with a smile from ear to ear. "I won!" He says slowly walking closer to me. "Yeah only because they are scared of you." I say smiling. "Yeah they are but that's how you make order." He is so close now I can feel his hot breathe on me. I saw the lust in his eyes and I panicked and quickly backed away and made my way to the ladder. "Thank you for the drink but I should be going." I say as I get on the ladder. "He doesn't move from his spot but he looks at me and winks "anytime sweetheart." He says through a smile.
I had to concentrate with everything I had to not let my drunken *ss fall off the ladder. My feet finally hit the concrete floor and I made my way back to my room. But all I could think about is why I didn't get so uncomfortable when he got so close or when he called me sweetheart? I shook the thought out of my head and came to the conclusion that it is just because I am drunk, nothing more.

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