Chapter 51

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        I was walking around admiring the place. All the nice looking houses and the clean streets. It looks so normal it's almost scary. I heard somebody's boots creeping up behind me and I quickly turned around. It was one of the men from Negans group. "Negan wants you back at the gates."
         I sigh and nod my head but he doesn't leave. "I uh, I have to walk you back to make sure you don't try and run away." I roll my eyes and scoff as I made my way back to the gates.
         When I got there Negan and Rick were having a conversation but it looked like it was getting heated. Out of the corner of Negans eye he sees me walking up and instantly stops talking to Rick and walks up to me with arms out wide.
         He put his hands on my cheeks and pulls me in a passionate kiss. I know he is just trying to piss Rick off even more by doing this. I was about to pull away but I remembered our deal and it would be really bad if I decide to do something stupid and get him pissed.
           When he finally pulled away he put an arm around my shoulders and faced Rick once again and I discreetly wiped off my lips with my sleeve.  "You would not believe what is happening right now. It turns out they have two guns missing from their armory."
I quickly looked at Rick with panic covering my face.  Rick quickly looks down avoiding my eye contact but not because he's embarrassed but because he doesn't want to look towards Negans glare.
Negan removes his arm from around my shoulders but still continues talking. " now being the civilized man that I am I gave them an hour to find the missing guns and if he doesn't." He stops talking for a little bit and smirks. "Well I bet you can just about guess." He says in a much lower voice than when he started. He doesn't say anything else as he walks away while whistling that same old tune.
I quickly walk up to Rick "where all have you looked." He takes a deep breathe and looks up at me "I have checked every car, the church. I had a meeting with the rest of the people here and told them what would happen if we didn't find it. We all checked their houses but we still have found nothing." He put his fingers to his temple showing his frustration.
I was doing my best not to panic because I knew that Negan wouldn't kill anybody from my group because of the deal we made but it still was a life that was at stake. And then a thought popped into my head.  I could almost see the imaginary light bulb above my head turn on. "What about Sasha and that other man that left when we came in? Did you check their houses?"
He quickly raised his head and his eyes were wider than I have ever seen them. He quickly turned into a dead sprint and started running towards one of their houses. And I soon followed after.  Carl saw us running and started chasing after us. Rick kicked opened the front door and ran towards the nearest room which was the kitchen. It was a really nice house clean looked like it's been untouched by the rest of the world.
I went straight and went to a bedroom in the back. Carl soon caught on and started looking through the kitchen with his dad. I turned over the bed, checked the closet, under the dresser, in the dresser and in the bathroom cabinets. But no guns.
I ran back to where Carl and Rick were but they moved on to the other guest bedroom. So I started looking through the living room. And soon Rick and Carl joined me. Once we turned over everything and was sure it wasn't here we all just stopped and looked at each other panicking wondering what to do next. But then I heard a noise coming from the air vent on the ground. I looked at Rick and it looked like he heard it too. He got down to his knees and took the cover off and reached down. I gasped in relief when I saw the first pistol come up. And an even bigger one when I saw the second gun emerge out of the vent knowing we were completely out of the woods. Rick also pulled out a lot of other food that was in there and Rick looked pissed. I don't blame him putting everybody lives at risk because he thought he needed to hide a couple guns?
When we walked up to Negan with the guns his face lit up like it was Christmas morning. " See just have to put a little fire under ya and you can d*mn well achieve just about anything." He said with his signature smile.

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