Chapter 6

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Two weeks later

   "Haliey, you have night watch down by the East end your shift starts at 12 and ends at 7." Negan says walking behind me.
I gave him a confused look. "Why do I have a night shift that's not my job?"
"The person who does do it is sick and is being kept in a secure place so the sickness doesn't spread. And you are the lucky one who gets to cover it." He says and then slightly putting his tongue in between teeth and forming a smile.
"This is bullsh*it Negan" I say pissed
"Oh I know." He says winking then walks away.
    I groaned and laid my head on the table. "What has your panties in a twist?" Matt says walking up and sits across from me.
"I hate that word." I say not even looking up
"What panties?"
I sit my head back up and nod
"Yes, it's disgusting. It's like the word moist."
Matt shivers and shakes his head. Yeah I don't like that word at all."
I nod my head in agreement
"So what's wrong?" He asked concerned
"Negan just told me I have a night shift."
Matt looks at me the same way I looked at Negan. "What? they wouldn't put somebody who goes on runs to do the shift. There is a person that comes in if a worker is sick or something."
"Yeah, he has been giving me random stupid jobs just for the heck of it."
"That sucks."
"Yeah it does." I say standing up from the table.
"Where are you going?" I am going to go ahead and get my sleep in now for the night shift."
"Ok I'll see you tomorrow."
  Negan put me on the 5th floor since I refused to stay with him or go back to my old room. I get worn out just from the walk up. I can do distance runs and all that jazz but I CANNOT do stairs.
  Once I got to my floor my room was second on the left. I opened it up and it looked pretty much like my old one. I set the alarm for 11:00 and went to bed.

  I woke up to the sound of that annoying alarm clock. I raised my head above the dresser and hit it until it went off. After a couple minutes of being half wake half asleep I slowly sat up from my bed and I began to put my hair back up. After I did that I just got up and went out of my room. I don't need to look decent for a night shift. The only reason I redid my hair was because I didn't want the strays getting into my face every time the wind blows. I really never look try to look decent on regular days I mean I'm not dressed to impress.
    When I got down the stairs I headed for the East end. The only light we had was the moon and there was some lanterns around the guards tower. I looked around and I could see one or two guards up on the tower but that was it. When I got to the East side I climbed up the latter to my tower. When I got up I saw a man with a rifle sitting on a chair. He looked at me and gave a sigh of relief. "Oh thank goodness you are here! My back was about to die from being in that chair for to long." He says then stands up and leans back to stretch.
I laughed "You have been relived from your duties and now it's my turn to get the bad back."
He starts chuckling and puts his hand out for me to shake and I immediately grab his hand and shake it. "I'm Hunter." "Haliey" I say and letting go of his hand. He is actually Pretty cute. Brown hair , around six foot, jaw line looking like you can cut cheese with it.
"Oh we all know who you are." He says
"How is that?" I asked kind of concerned
"Well to start things off you killed three people here the first day you got here." 
I closed my eyes from that memory. I will still get nightmares from that day. His hands touching my stomach the man holding my hands down all so vivid for a dream.
"I'm sorry I shouldn't have brought it up." Hunter says when he noticed my discomfort
"No it's alright I asked." I say shaking my head trying to forget about it.
He nods his head and it starts to get a little awkward. "Oh, I almost forgot." He says as he walks over to the other wall and grabs my bow and hands it to me. "Negan wanted me to give that to you. Said you would do better with that than any gun."he says smiling
"He isn't wrong."
"Well, I should be going and hitting the hay." He says while putting his rifle stamp around his shoulder and starts going down the latter. "Goodbye it was nice meeting you."he says when his body as halfway out the tower.
"You too."
Once he was gone I sit down in the chair and look at my bow. That's pretty nice that Negan did that for me.
Wait...what am I talking about?? He is the stupid reason I am here in the first place. I shake the thought out of my head and look into the woods looking for any sudden movements.

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