Chapter 7

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    I splashed some cold water on my face trying to wake me up. I am still exhausted from the late shift. I grabbed a towel and dried my face off. I finished getting ready and then went down to the cafeteria to go get breakfast. When I got there I waited in line for my food and then went and sat at my regular spot. A couple minutes later Matt comes and sits across from me. "How was your night shift?" He ask taking a bite out of his oatmeal. "Tiring and boring. But I met Hunter as we where changing shifts and he sounds like a cool dude" I say
He nods his head in agreement. "Yeah he is a good guy."
    I can hear two guys behind me arguing about something but I try to ignore it. "Aren't you going to eat? We have been sitting here for like five minutes. Your food is going to get cold." Matt says pointing to my food.
I grabbed my spoon and took a bite out of my oatmeal. Oatmeal for me has always been the food that sounds good but when I have it I don't like it. But I am hungry and eat it anyways. I can't help shake the feeling somebody is staring at me. I take a look around the room and I see Hunter looking at me from his table. Once we make eye contact he immediately looks back down at his plate.
"Oh yeah I'm supposed to tell you we have a run today. Be at the gates at 8:00Am."
"Ok, I'm going to go back to my room and get ready." I say standing up with my tray.
I turn around and start to walk back to my room when somebody is shoved into me. I look up and I see it's the two guys who got into the argument. Before I even knew what was happening I saw the man that got shoved into me duck and move out of the way. And before I even knew what happened I felt somebody punch me in the face. Well now we know why he was ducking. I stumbled backwards a little until I regained balance and I was pissed. I walk up to the guy who punched me. He was a little bit taller than me. He had his back facing me so I grappled his shoulder and turned him around. I reared back my hand and punched him right in the nose. The man stumbled back but then he looked at me and he was pissed. He was walking towards me about to take another punch at me when somebody grabbed his forearm making him stop. I looked up to see who stopped him and saw it was Negan. He was dressed in his leather jacket and he was holding Lucille. I can see the mans face turn into complete fear. I guarantee he pissed and sh*t himself right then and there. "Now what's gong on here?" He asks the both of us while letting go of his arm.
"This b*tch came up and punched me and I was just about to put her in her place." The man says thinking that Negan was going to be on his side.
    I shake my head pissed at what he is saying. Negan starts laughing but there is no humor in his laugh. "First of all don't you ever f*cking say that again to her." He says using Lucille as a pointer to point at me.
"Who started this fight?" He says looking around asking nobody in particular. "Jeff and Martin did. Haliey was walking and got hit in the cross fire." Hunter says coming out of the crowd.
Negan nods in understanding. "So you two p*ssies decided to start a fight and hit my girl? Accident or not it's just unacceptable." He says shaking his head.
Wait did he just call me his girl? I am pissed that he called me that. but I decided to confront him about it some other time because that is the least of my worries right now. 
"Dwight get these two and get them ready for the iron."
I can see Jeff and Martins faces drop along with everybody else in the cafeteria. They almost look like they are about to cry. But then Dwight and somebody else gets them and drags them off out of the cafeteria. Negan just winks at me and then leaves. Matt and Hunter walk up behind me. "Are you alright?" Matt asked looking at my cheek. "Yeah I'm fine... but what's the iron?" I asked scared to hear the answer.
"You're about to find out." Hunter says.

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