Chapter 59

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I was eating lunch when somebody touched my shoulder behind me and sat down on the chair that was beside me. I looked over and saw that it was Negan. "You ready for another one of those situations where you have to do whatever I say whether you like it or not because we made a deal?" He asked with a grin on his face. "What do you want?" I ask nonchalantly as I continue eating my food. "We are going to go on a trip." he tells me "Trip?" I ask confused as I take another bite out of my food.  "Yeah I will tell you more about it when we get going"  he tells me.  "Ok, When are we going?" I ask him and he looks at his watch "oh right about now" He tells me and my eyes got wide. 

 "Negan I just sat down and I asked for more vegtables so they took off more points." I look at him but his facial expression didn't change letting me know that he didn't care.  I sighed and gave in.   "Get my bow and I will meet you at the front gate when I get done eating." I tell him and turn back to my food.   He does a over dramatic sigh as he gets up " You have ten minutes before your bow will surprising turn up missing." He tells me as he walks away using my bow like its being held hostage.   I just continued eating knowing that he wouldnt do anything to my bow.

I got into Negans truck and looked around and saw that there was no other vehicles. I didn't say anything though because I didn't feel it of any importance.  He started the truck and we headed out.   I put my feet up on the dash and leaned up in my seat. "So how far are we going out this time?" I asked him but I was not prepared for the answer. "Its about a three day trip." he tells me. I could tell he was waiting for my reaction and he definitely got one. "What?!" I ask getting my feet off the dash and turn to look at him "three days?!" I ask him "Yeah have you never been on a run for that long?" He asked with a small smile on his lips. "Yes I have but I usually know before we have already left so that I could bring an extra pair of clothes and something to sleep with." I tell him but I knew as soon as it left my mouth that he was going to make that sexual. "Well needing something to sleep with won't be a problem because I am ready for round two whenever you are."  He tells me with a smile and I just scoff at him and turn the other way and look out the window.

Once it started getting dark we started looking for a place to sleep.  We passed a couple of rundown houses until I finally found one that looked half way decent.   We pulled into the driveway and I got my bow out of the back and headed towads the front door.   I knocked on it a couple times but when I didn't hear any walkers I decided it was clear and I opened the door and he walked in first and took the upstairs stairs while I took the down stairs.   The kitchen and living room was clear.  I walked into a hallway with my bow ready to fire. 

 There was a door that was barely open so I pushed it open with my foot and saw a Latino women wearing a dark red rain jacket holding a pistol with two kids behind her and she looked terrified.  The oldest kid was probably 13.  She had black curly hair and was wearing a blue and black long sleeve shirt.  The other kid was probably 4.  He had black hair and blue eyes and was wearing a black jacket and they both looked scared.  "Please dont hurt us" she says while on the verge of crying. "I am not going to hurt you. But there is a man upstairs that will do just that.  So I need you to lower your weapon so I can help get you and your kids out of here." I tell her and then release the tension on the bow and set it on the ground.  But she still has her gun raised. "Please" I tell her desperately.  She slowly nods and lowers the gun and I took a huge sigh of relieve.  I shut the door behind me and walk towards her. "Okay you are going to have to climb out of that window that is behind you.   But don't go until you hear me and the other man talking downstairs so I can make sure that he won't see you leave. Okay?" I ask making sure that she understands.  She nods her head and opens the window and then helps the kids get their stuff ready.  "We will be out of here by morning and we won't be looking at any of the other houses that are here so just stay in one of those."  I tell her and she nods her head. 

I grab my bow from the floor and slowly open the door and look around and don't see him. I look back at her and she tells me thank you and I just nodded in return.  I turn back around and slowly walk out of the door and shut the door behind me.   I check the surrounding area to make sure that family didn't leave anything. "You find anything" I hear him ask as he started walking down the stairs "No, how about you?" I ask a little louder than my normal voice but I had to make it louder so that they would know that I have givin them the green light to start heading out the window.  I started heading up the stairs so that we would meet half way.  "no it looks like somebody already raided this place." he says as we meet.  I had to keep him right here because if he goes in the kitchen or in the living room he might see them leave through the windows or the back door that is in the kitchen and the same problem if he goes back upstairs.  

He gives me a confused look to why I met him halfway but I just had to stall him for a little bit longer.  "So how much longer until we get to where we are headed?" I ask him "Uhh couple hours from here." He tells me and then starts to head downstairs but I grab his arm and stop him.  He went down one of the stairs while I stayed on the one that we were previously at so now I was just a little bit taller than him. 

 I was running out of things to say so I pulled him in for a kiss and he quickly kisses back.  He put his hands on the side of my face and I put one of my hands on the back of his head and the other resting on his shoulder.  After a little bit we pulled apart but was still close.  "What was that for?" He asked quietly with a grin on his face.  I shrug my shoulders at him "No reason" I say as I moved passed him and walk down stairs.  He stays up there for another second or two but then smirks and walks down with me.  

I walk into the kitchen and discretly look out the window to make sure they were gone.  Once I didn't see them I gave a realiving sigh.  "I'll take the first shift if you want to start gettin ready for bed." I tell him without looking away from the window.  "Sounds like a plan.  Wake me up in a couple hours" he says.  I turn around and look at him and he is already on the couch with his eyes closed.  I sat down on one of the chairs with my bow in my hand looking out the front window.  

I started thinking about that family that was here.  I wish I had some food I could have givin them.  Those kids looked like the havent aten in days.  Thinking about them reminded me that that window was probably still open.  I got up and took my bow with me as I made my way over to the hallway.  I open the door and sure enough the window was open.  It was a full moon outside so it was easy to see outside.  I walked over to go close it when I saw a walker coming out of the tree line.  I got a bow ready and pulled back and lined up my shot with the walkers head.  When his head got in my shot I released the arrow and it hit the walker right in the middle of the forehead.  Once it fell to the ground I peaked my head out the window to make sure there was no more walkers.  Once I felt it was safe I climbed out the window and walked over to the walker.  I put my foot on the top of his head to keep his head in place as I reached down and pulled the bow out of his head.  I used his shirt as a rag and wiped off all of the gunk that was on it.  When I thought it was clean enough I went back to the window and thew my bow and arrow in the room and climbed back in and shut the window and locked it.

After about four hours I started getting tired so I decided to wake him up.  I tapped him on his shoulder and jerked up and woke up right away.  "It's your turn." I tell him and he relaxes and starts to rub his eyes.  I sat down beside him and lean my head on the back of the couch exhausted.  "What time is it?" he asked my and I shrugged my shoulders even though he could barly see.  "Probably around 2" I tell him.  " Thats a lot longer than a couple hours"  He tells me "Yeah but you are going to be the one driving plus I wasn't tired.  But now I am so will you please get off of the couch" I tell him desperately he sighs and gets up and I quickly straighten my body and lay on the couch.  I knew he was saying something to me but I was too tired to listen and quickly fell asleep. 

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