Chapter 41

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       He puts the cap in his mouth and pulls the cap off. Maybe he will accidentally swallow the cap and choke to death. He grunts as he crouches down next to Carl's spread out arm. "Sorry kid. This is going to be as cold as a warlocks balls sack." He uses his free hand to roll Carl's arm sleeve up a little past his elbow. "Just like he was hanging his ballsack above you and dragged right across the forearm." He then makes a vertical line across Carl's arm about halfway up his forearm. "There you go. Gives you a little leverage."
            I started covered my mouth and started shaking my head when I realized what was happening. "Please. Please, don't." Rick said almost in a whisper begging Negan to have mercy. "Me?" Negan starts chuckling as he looks at Rick. "I ain't doin' sh*t." He says as he stands back up to full height. He turns around and has his back towards us. "Rick I want you to get your ax... and cut your sons left arm off. Right on that line. Now I know, I know. You're going to have to process that for a second. Still though I'm gonna need you to do it. Or all these people are going to die. Then Carl does then all the people at home dies..."
        I couldn't listen no more. My mind kinda f shut down in almost a state of shock. I started thinking about all the memories I had with Carl. Everything we have been through together. All for it to get destroyed by a man I actually started having feelings for. I shook my head at the thought of me actually caring for a monster like Negan.
          "Are you going to make me count? Okay Rick. You win, I am counting." Rick is looking around for any other alternative. He is grunting with tears rolling down his eyes.  "Three!" Negan yells. "Please. Please it can be me." He says sobbing
       "Two!" Negan crotchs down next to Rick and slaps him hard on the cheek. "Please it can be me." Rick says gasping. With tears and snot running down his face. Negan grabs ricks cheeks. "This is it." He stands back up and yells "one." Rick leans over and starts yelling in agony.
       Tears are rolling down my cheeks. I have never felt more helpless in my life. I felt a huge pain in my chest when Rick grabs the ax. "Dad just do it."  Carl says. Rick raises the ax above his head while he is still sobbing uncontrollably.
       "Rick." Negan says as he bends down to ricks level. "You answer to me." Rick is still breathing heavy nodding his head while he is talking. "You provide for me. You belong to me. Right?" Rick nods his head in agreement "right."
       "See, That is the look I wanted to see." Negan grabs the ax off of the ground and stands up. "We did it. All of us together. Even the dead guys in the ground. H*ll they get the spirit award for sure. Today was a productive d*mn day!"    
        I look at the rest of my group they all have blood shot eyes. Most are still quietly sobbing at everything that has just happened. Others are just exhausted that they don't even move. I look at my heads and they are still shaking uncontrollably. I squeeze my hands into fists then cross my arms over my chest. 
            Negan looks over at me as he stands up with a smile on his face. "Welcome to a brand new beginning you sorry sh*ts!"

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