Chapter 10

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One week I have been in here for one week. Dwight has been coming in and feeding me bread with dog food on it. F*cking dog food.
Every once in a while I will scrape off as much of the dog food as I can and just eat the stale bread. I have probably gotten a total of 7 hours of sleep since I have been here because they have been playing that god awful music nonstop. I am so tired sometimes I won't even know if I'm falling asleep but then it's like the music just gets louder and it wakes me back up. I was twiddling with my fingers when the music stopped. "Finally." I say almost rejoicing. I closed my eyes and I can already feel sleep taking me. When the music starts blaring again. I loose it and I start screaming. It was an ear piercing scream but it wasn't loud enough to block out the music. I clenched my fist and I start banging it on the cement floor. I can't take this anymore.
The music stops and Dwight opens the door. H puts the bread in my face but I don't even I knowledge that he's there. "Eat." He says and when I didn't take it he drops it in the floor. And kneels down to my level. "You should be dead but for some reason Negan has taking a liking into you. You are lucky, don't forget that." he says standing back up. I grab the price of bread from the floor and throw it back at him.
"Unbelievable." He says as he stands back up and slams the door shut.
Next day

"Come on boss wants to see you." Dwight says taking me out of the cell. It was so bright I had to close my eyes. They where practically dragging me the whole way to Negans room. When we got to his door Dwight opened it and I see Negan sitting on his couch looking at us. "Thank you Dwight you can go now."
He nods and lets go of my arm and turns around to the door and shuts it behind him. I turn back to Negan and he stands up with Lucille in his hand and starts walking closer to me. "Holy f*ck you look sh*tty, why don't we just put you out over your misery now." He say then quickly griping the bat and puts it up by his face and takes a step closer to me and swings Lucille by my face but stops inches away from hitting me. But I don't flinch or move a muscle. He looks intensely at my face the whole time waiting for even the slittiest movement, smallest hit of fear but I don't give him that satisfaction.
He then smiles and backs up. "Your still not scared of me? Even after I f*cked up your friend to the point of no return?"
"There will always be worse men then you Negan. Don't put yourself on that high of a throne."
"And I see I still haven't gotten rid of that mouth of yours. You would think it would be so full of dog food you wouldn't have room for your smart*ss comments." He says through a chuckle
I just smile at the thought that he is just trying to make me mad. To make me do something stupid that I'll regret but it isn't going to work. "Are we done here?"
"What? wanting to leave so soon?" He ask
"You have no idea." I say not breaking my eye contact.
"Well lucky for you since I'm such a nice f*cking guy I'm going to let you freshen up a little bit. Let you take a shower actually go and eat in the cafeteria." He says all proudly
"So knowable of you." I say sarcastically.
"I know I should have won a Nobel Peace Prize." He says smirking
I just shake my head as he walks past me and opens the door. Dwight is on the other side waiting for an order. "Go get Sherry and tell her to get some clothes for Haliey to change into while she is taking a shower."
Dwight nods his head and goes to get the clothes. "You can take a shower in my bathroom." He says pointing toward the door but I already knew where it was. I nodded and walked into the bathroom and locked the door. I turned the water on and stripped my clothes while waiting for the water to turn hot. I hopped in and I almost laughed in excitement when I felt the hot water hitting my body. It was so refreshing I started scrubbing my arms trying to get rid of all the dirt and sweat. I looked down at me feet and I could see the dirty water rushing towards the drain and that just made me scrub harder. I felt like I just just lost a hundred pounds from all of the dirt that was on my skin. Once I was completely cleaned I washed my hair and that felt like heaven. My scalp had been so itchy from all the dirt and grease. If felt so nice to finally be able to wash it.
Once I was completely done I wrapped myself in a towel and hopped out. I heard a knock on the door so I walked over and unlocked it and cracked open the door. Dwight stood there with my clothes looking down at the floor the whole time. Which I was grateful for. I said a quick "thank you" and grabbed the clothes from him and shut the door.
I quickly got dressed and hung my towel back up. I opened the bathroom door I could see all the mist coming out of the bathroom into the room. I looked around the room but saw no one. I put my shoes back on and walked outside to the cafeteria. I looked up to the sun once I got outside and it was in the middle of west and directly above. So I guessed it was about 5 or 6. I walked into the cafeteria and I see everybody in there and it all goes quiet when they see me. I hurry up and get inline to get me food and people conversation slowly start back up again. I got my food and sat at me table that me and Matt used to sit at. I looked across the table to where Matt used to sit.
I can't believe he is gone and it's all my fault. He didn't do anything to deserve that. Why didn't Negan punish me? I remember one time we where hanging out at free time and he found this Polaroid on one of the runs. We where in his room and he kept on taking pictures of me. Even though I told him to stop he wouldn't so I grabbed the camera and started taking picture of him. He didn't look bad in any of the pictures I took though. That was a real disappointment.
   I smiled at the memory but stopped when I saw a tray slam down on the table. I looked up and I saw Negan sitting down on Matts chair. "How was the shower? Was it refreshing?" Negan asked then took a bite toast.
I ignored him and took a bite of my toast. It tasted like heaven being compared to what they where feeding me. I tried to control my hunger by eating it slower since Negan was here. I didn't want him to know how hungry I was. But it didn't work because Negan just sat there smirking while he watched me eat. Once I finished my toast I was about to go out my tray away but Negan grabbed my forearm to stop me. "We are leaving to go on a run tomorrow at 8." He says then letting go. I just nodded.
   I put my tray up and I went to my room. I was fast walking the whole way so I could go to sleep. I am so exhausted I could probably fall asleep walking right now.
  I opened my door and my bed welcomed me in with open arms. I hurried up and set my alarm for 7 a.m then practically jumped on my bed and as soon as my head it the pillow I was out like a light.

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