Chapter 32

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            "It looks like your starting to become a regular here." Carson says through a smile. I chuckle at his comment. " sure seems that way." He pulls out his little flashlight thing and turns it on in front of my eyes. I make sure I'm looking straight as he passes the light in and out of my vision. "Ok no concussion! But I would still take it easy for at least a couple of days. Don't do anything too hard. But other than that you are good to go!" I get off his office chair and thanked him as I walked out the door.
        As I walked a little farther I saw Negan leaning against the wall with is arms crossed. Dear lord what does he want this time? When he saw me come into view he stood up straight and uncrossed his arms. "What did Carson say?" He asked walking a little closer to me "No concussion, so I'm good to go." I left out the part about taking it easy because come on, who actually does that?
      Negan nods his head at my answer. It started getting awkward because of how quite it was so I decided just to keep on walking. When I walked past he wrapped his hand around my forearm making me stop. I look up at him waiting for him to say something. "Where did your friend go?" He asks in a low voice. "How the h*ll would I know?" I ask bitterly and pulled my arm out of his grip. "Don't f*ck with me. I know you helped him escape." He says in almost a low growl. Getting inches apart from my face.
"If I helped him get out of this h*ll hole don't you think I would have gone with him?" I ask him. He looked like he was actually thinking about it until his lips slowly curled up in a toothy grin. "You didn't go with him because you didn't want to leave me." He says chuckling.
"F*ck you!" I say louder than I meant to. People from all the way across the hall heard me yell. I saw them take a quick glance our way but once they saw I was arguing with Negan they quickly picked up their paste and walked away. "I would love too but right now I have to go find your Bff." He says with a smile. He winks at me and then walks past me to the exit doors. I give him the number one finger when he left.
When I heard the doors shut I ran my fingers through my hair and started pacing the hallways. What am I going to do if they find Hunter? I can't go through another death. Or somebody else getting the iron because of something I was involved in.
I just hope that Hunter found my car and is a hundred miles away from here.

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