Peaceful and Quiet.

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Very quiet skellies. "Thank the lord there are quiet ones as well, hi you three I am (Y/N) the owner of this mansion, who may you guys be if you don't wanna talk you can sign it" "I'm Goth" "I'm Cross" "And I'm Rave or Gothic Dancer". I nodded and told them that they could go and pick a room to go and stay in. I looked over to Cross and saw a ghost. I telepathicly told it 'Hey follow me'  It told Cross something and it came over to me. I walked to my room. "Hello as you know I'm (Y/N) what's your name?" "I'm Chara Cross's companion". I nodded and let him go back to cross. I walked over to the kitchen and made Mango Chicken Curry for dinner. "DINNER'S READY". I watched as everybody piled in and started to go to their seats. I decided to stay in the room to at least socialise. "Hey you're here (Y/N), are you gonna eat anything or am I gonna have to force feed you" Smiley said. I got ready to run but then realised that I still have my wings out but they're folded. I crossed my arms across my chest and said "I'd like to see you try". He took it as a challenge and ran at me with his arms ready to grab me. I chuckled deeply and spread my wings and flew up. "Wh-What YOU CAN FLY!!!" He yelled and tried to grab me. I laughed even harder and started to just hover on my back in the air. The others apart from Bill, Cloudy and Raven were shocked as well. I laughed at the faces they were making and nearly fell. Bill flew up and started to try and touch my wing again. I saw what he was doing and started to fly away from him. He teleported in front of me and held his arms out for a hug. I tried to stop but since wings don't have breaks I ended up in his arms anyway. I started to struggle. "G-Guys can you please h-help" I pleaded. Raven knew the situation very well and went to help, but was held down by Smiley's aura. "Don't I want to observe what happens" I struggled some more begging for help. Bill held me with one arm and reached to touch my wing again. "They're so soft how could I not touch them" with that he grabbed it and started to stroke it. I mewled and tried to get away some more. He tried to get to the tip but I spread my wings further so he couldn't. He gave up in the end and let go. As soon as he let go I teleported to my room and made the wings disappear. I cried whilst changing to my PJ's. I stayed in my room probably not gonna come out for another 3 decades like the intro to the story. long story short I'm anorexic and I have sensitive wings, ears, tails and even paws in my animals hybrid forms. I heard a bang but didn't come out I just stayed until I heard.....

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