Why do you care???

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I heard a knock on my door and Reaper's and Dusty's voices "(Y/N) ARE YOU OKAY?". I huffed and sobbed louder. By the sounds of it they started to panic a bit. "Can we come in?" Reaper asked. I said yes and almost instantly there were two sets of arms around my shoulders. "Whoa whoa hey what happened?" Dusty asked wanting to murder whoever made me like this. "Did you see what happened in the dining room with Bill and I?". They nodded and their expressions darkened a bit. I sighed and hiccuped a bit. " My wings and any other animal parts I can summon are very sensitive and Bill, he even though I said no touched my wings". I inhaled and cried a bit more. "Now I'm just gonna stay in here for another three decades, like last time". They instantly said no in unison and hugged me tighter. After a while they let go and said there are more sanses down stairs. I inhaled and groaned whilst fall in back onto my bed. They laughed, which in turn made me giggle a bit. They stopped and yelled "SHE DOES GIGGLE". I laughed even harder. "Okay lets go talk to them". They nodded and we all linked arms and started to skip to the stairs. They walked down casually and I decided it would be a great idea to skip down them. Before I could even do it I tripped and fell down. "Well that's one way do get down fast". They both chuckled and helped me up. We walked into the living room and as soon as I saw the new sanses I teleported into one of their shadows and danced with them. To everyone else it looked like the shadow had a mind of it's own and the owner of the shadow was just normal. Everyone looked very confused on what's happening. The owner of the shadow I'm dancing with looked down and was also confused. I stopped dancing and looked back at him, slowly emerging from the ground. "Hi I am (Y/N) and you along with the other three are in my mansion may I please get your names?" "I'm Mafia Sans or Matt pleasure to meet you (Y/N)" "I'm Alter Sans or Adam" "I am Science Sans or Sci". The last one grabbed me and spun me around saying "I'm Dance Sans or Derek". He let go of me and I got a bit dizzy and fell, into Ink's and Goth's arms. They then helped me up whilst glaring at Derek. "Well you guys can go pick a room to stay in I'm gonna go and set up a movie". They nodded and walked out. Blueberry got stars in his eyes and ran up to me tugging on my jacket. I looked down at him and nodded signalling him to ask away. "(Y/N) can we have a sleepover". I nodded and everyone cheered. "Under one condition, four names will be drawn out of a hat and those names will be the four people that you will be with, so it will be groups of five". They all nodded eager to start. I took Matt's hat and everyone put their names on pieces of paper and put them in. Sans was with Blueberry, Edgy, Raspberry and Error. Ink was with Fresh, Goth, Smiley Trashbag and Dream. Nightmare was with Horror, Steve, Bob and Dave. Chad was with Mark, Matt, Sugar and Adam. Geno was with Melon, Aster, Gothic and Cross. Lust was with Gay, G, Star and Raven. Cloudy was with Chara, Narrator and Wrap. I was with Dusty, Reaper, Bill and Smiley. "Before we start -BANG- let's go see who these new ones are". We walked to the noise and saw...

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