Chapter 4- First Day

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Okay, just wanted to say that I LOVE ALL OF MY READERS!!!! I am so thankful for each and everyone of you! If you want to go fan me, I fan back! I'll also read your story, if you ask! There are millions of stories on here, so it's almost impossible to see everyone's story, but if you tell me about it. I'll add it to my reading list ASAP! I have almost 50 stories there right now? I'm only reading a few at the moment, cuz I get confused with characters and plots easily, but I'll eventually read it! I want to make every writer known!!!!!! Sorry for the ranting...just had to say that.

                                                                      Vote,Fan,Comment ~Kita

Chapter 4: First day

It was 10:30am by the time we all left the interview building, all the girls had to be dismissed and many didn't want to leave. It was complete madness. We ended up having to go up 5 floors, climb down the fire escape and pile into the waiting white van at the bottom. There were only two back seats, so I ended up being crammed between Louis and Harry. The other boys sat in the front seat. Paul and the driver rode up at the very front.(Obvious I know, just wanted to make it clear that there are only two rows of seats besides the very front;D) The boys goofed off and talked about things I had no idea about. They made a few fan inside jokes, but I pretended not to get most of them, because I didn't want to look like a total fan girl.

Paul explained to me that the boys had to go to the studio and record for a few hours, so I was going to be with them for most of the day. He gave me a copy of their schedule for that week and I almost fainted. They were so busy. I took out my phone and set timers and reminders for everything. I then gave them all my number and my email. I wished I had come better prepared.

When we arrived at the studio, the boys went and got warmed up. I asked Paul if I could have my friend bring me my supplies, he told me I could as long as she dropped it off at the coffee shop down the road and I was back in an hour. I went outside to call Vera. She picked up on the third ring.

"Hey, I got the job, could you bring me my event planner and my satchel?" I asked with a pleading voice.

"Yeah, text me the address, you need anything else?" Vera asked. I thought about it.

"Um yeah, I need my favorite hoodie, a regular t-shirt, my headphones, charger, and go ahead and bring Emma, we are meeting at a coffee house,"I said as I counted off each item on my fingers.

"Wow dude, why don't I just bring your whole suitcase," Vera said and I could see her rolling he eyes.

"Because its too heavy for you, love ya, see you in a few minutes," I said in a serious tone before hanging up. I texted her the address and I headed to a booth in the back. I order a large cup of coffee with some creamer and sugar in it. And boy was it LARGE. I only had to wait about 10 minutes.

"Hey girl" Emma said walking in with my satchel over her shoulder. Vera walked in behind her with my sack of stuff. I laughed and grabbed it from them. I went to the bathroom as they ordered. I changed my shirt and put my hoodie on. I felt so mush better. The shirt I had been wearing was a little too nice to hang around with a bunch of teenage guys in. I stuffed all the other stuff in the front of my hoodie and the shirt in the bag. When I got back I handed the sack back to Vera.

"Thanks," she said sarcastically and I rolled my eyes as I cheerfully said "Welcum". We talk for a few minutes about nonsense, until we finished our drinks. I thanked them for coming and for bringing my stuff and we walked out together. We said goodbye and parted ways as they went to the bus stop on the left and I headed to the studio that was on the right.

I walked into the recording studio and I sat beside Paul. I listened to the boys sing for awhile, before I asked Paul about my job.

"So, exactly what will I do?" I turned to the middle aged man beside me.

" I emailed you their entire schedule, so you could put it in your phone, but basically you will keep just Harry on time for the dates and things." He said.

"I know that, but don't you do that already?" I asked looking him in the eye. He chuckled a little.

"Yeah, right now, but when they have their breaks and things, I can't keep up with them all. You're kinda gonna be his babysitter. Keep him in line and so on." He said with a laugh.

"So I get to follow Harry around and clean up his messes? Keep him organized?" I looked at Paul," That boy is about as organized as his hair is straight!" I said in a joking tone.

"Back to insulting me I see," Harry said with a cheeky smile, as him and the other boys walked into the room and sat down. Harry sat down on top of Liam,"Daddy, make her stop!" he sobbed into Liam's shoulder. The boys laughed as Liam patted Harry's head and gave me a look.

"Now, now Daddy Direction is here, that girl won't hurt you anymore," Liam said in a deep voice. I couldn't stop giggling. I think the coffee was kicking in. Uh Oh.

"I'm hungry!" Niall complained. I laughed. Paul gave me a look.

"I just had some coffee. I ordered a large and boy was it big!" I said with another fit of giggles. Paul got up and told the boys to go eat and come back in 2 hours, and now to get in trouble.

"Let's go!" Niall said pulling Louis and Zayn up from the floor. I felt my phone vibrate, must of got a text.

Hey. It's about lunch time, could you make it 'home'?

Vera and Emma had sent me.

Yeah, I'll bring pizza, be there in a few i guess.

I replied. I looked up to see the boys waiting on me.

"Well, I'll see ya'll after lunch," I said getting up.

"What?" They all said in unison. Creepy.

"I'm having lunch with my friends. If that's okay?" I said suddenly worried.

"Yeah, it's fine. We just thought that you would come with us." Harry said with a sad look. That's weird.

"Well, it's just I haven't gotten to spend time with them ever since we've gotten here," I said, I hoped I didn't look like I was making excuses.

"Oh, okay. We understand. I hope we get to meet them soon." Liam said, he had a smile on his face, but his eyes looked sullen. I felt bad and suddenly a light-bulb went off above my head.

"You guys could come with me, I'm just going back to our apartment, so no fans will see you. I'm picking pizza up on the way... I promise we aren't crazy, errr 'serial killer' crazy" I said doing air-quotes.

"FOOD!" Niall shouted.

"Yes, we'd love too!" Liam said.

"Ya!" Zayn fist pumped!

"Carrots!" Louis screamed, as he tackled Niall.

"Let's go" Harry said. He grabbed my hand as he practically dragged me out the door. I felt myself blush and I almost fangirled, but I held it in. We got into the van and I gave them the directions to my 'flat', Louis said using British words makes me sound funny, because I have an Arkansan accent. I laughed at this and decided to talk in a British accent the rest of the day.

We stopped at the nearest pizza place and Harry and I went in to order. I order two pizzas that I knew me and the girls liked and I let Harry order the rest. We ended walking back out with six pizza boxes. I was going to pay, but Harry refused saying that they would end up eating most of it. I would sneaked a few pounds into his pocket later.

We arrived at my apartment and I silently prayed that there weren't any under clothes laying around. We walked up the stairs quietly, so we could surprise Vera and Emma. I unlocked the door and walked in," Honey, I'm home!" I yelled and I heard the girls scream from the other room. I sat down the two pizzas I was carrying and grabbed my friends in a huge bear hug. Our hug was ended by a knock at the door.

"Uh oh, I hope we weren't too loud," I said, but I knew who it was. I swung the door open and took a step back.

~ I'll probablly upload again tonight...if I get some comments. There is a surprise for ya'll in the next chapter, but you don't get it till I get atleast 15 comments. Muahahaha ;D Better hurry! You only have two hours, till my bed time. Love ya'll. ~Kita

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