Alternate Ending, The Surprise-Part Two

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The Surprise-Part 2

Hey guys, yes this is what it looks like, an alternate ending. Some of you(ALL OF YOU) did not like/enjoy my ending, so I am adding a different ending. Hope you guys like this one. :)

Hailie's POV

Everything went black. My head drooped to one side. I tried opening my eyes, but the water stung them. I knew my time was almost up. I tried desperately to undo my seatbelt, but my strength was gone, just like my air. I finally just gave in to the burning in my lungs.

I woke up in a hospital. I was in a small room laying in a white and blue checkered gown. My first thoughts were 'where am I?' 'How did I get here?' And then it all came rushing back, the text message, the car horn, driving over the bridge. The party. Oh poop! THE PARTY! I missed the party! I messed everything up! How could I be stupid enough to text and drive?!

I took the oxygen hose out of my nose and sat up in the bed. I pushed my frizzy hair back from my face as I looked around. Where was Harry? Did they know I was here? Are they worried? Questions rushed through my brain as I tried to remember to how I got here.

Harry's POV

We knew something was wrong when Hailie ended up being over an hour late to the party she planned. I had already left endless phone calls and text messages. After awhile, Vera decided to call Sally.

My heart dropped a little when she informed me that Hailie had left over thirty minutes ago. C'mon Harry, everything's fine, this isn't the first time Hailie's disappeared.

"Lou, mind if I take your car, I'm going for a drive?"

"Sure mate, catch," he replied as he tossed his keys to me. I yelled a thanks over my shoulder and ran to his car. I jumped in and follows Hailie's usual path to work.

A few miles before the bridge I saw the blue lights. Someone had had a wreck. I followed traffic and came to a stop just in front of the accident.

My fingers drummed along to the song as my eyes scanned the scene before me. Police men and accident workers mulled about everywhere. And that's when I noticed it, the shredded remains of a black hummer. Weird, that's the same model I drive...

The unanswered phone calls, unread messages; it all made sense now. This is why she hasn't called me. This is why she's late. My brain became foggy, my ears began to ring, time stood still as I pieced together the only thing I didn't want to be true. Hailie drove off the bridge.

No, it couldn't be Hailie, my Hailie. My life, my entire entire world. I didn't even realize i had gotten out of the car, that I was screaming her name until the police stopped me. That's when I knew this nightmare was real. Hailie was gone.

"Sir, you're going to calm down if you want to go to the hospital. I know you're in shock but you must remain calms." The tall burly man said to me as I tried to rush to the remainder on the car. Calm? How could I remain calm when the love of my life was-wait, did he say hospital? Hailie was in the hospital?

"Where is she? Is she alright? When can I see her?!" I yelled at the be frazzled man.

"If you'll go with this deputy, he'll take you there. Please try to calm down, Mr.Styles, she will be fine," the old man guided me towards a police car. I didn't object when they ushered my in, all I wanted was to see Hailie.

When I arrived, the young officer guided me to her room. Outside her door sat an old bloke. I glared at him, having no idea why he was there.

"You might want to take it easy on the fellow, he is the one that saved her," the officer whispered to me as we walked up.

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