Chapter 29

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Chapter 29-

Work was so fun. Whoa, never thought I'd be saying that, but it actually was.

Sally is the best boss ever. My tasks consist of the normal office things, like coping, filing, and answering her telephone, but I also did a bit of editing on the side because her workload was so overwhelming. We get along very well. She treats me like a daughter, almost.

I also enjoyed the company of my many co-workers. They were all very friendly. Some were quite nutty acting. I already love them all. We're gonna be great friends.

Now, it isn't exactly where I wanted to be, but you have to start somewhere. I mean, I didn't expect to even have a JOB at that magazine, let alone a writing position. So, I'm quite happy where I am. Hopefully in a year or two, I'll actually be writing articles, not just editing them. My dream of becoming a journalist isn't too far away.

I smiled happily to myself as I walked into my home. I continued day-dreaming, while I went to my room to change. I thought about what it'd be like to have my name written in italics under a full article about the latest celeb gossip. I stripped down and pulled on some old pajamas. 'Hailie Styles'. I grinned.

Wait, HOLD UP! Did I just use Harry's last name? Where did that come from? We've barely been dating A DAY. Do I really see him THAT far in my future? I guess, I really do love him.

"Honey, we're home," Vera and Emma sang, pulling me from my thoughts. I shrieked and ran/tumbled down the stairs.

"Where've you guys been all day?" I asked, engulfing them in a group hug. After we broke apart, we all sat down on the couches, settling in for a good long girl talk.

"Well, we went shopping most of the day, but guess what happened while we were at the mall?!" Emma exclaimed, stumbling over her words in her excitement.

I laughed, then answered," People started screaming and they called animal control when they saw your face."

She glared at me, "Haha, no. They're opening a new daycare center there, so Vera and I applied for a job!" She grinned happily at me and I smiled back. Then I glanced at Vera. Her facial expression was anything, but happy.

"Lemme guess, you had to beg Vera to do that, cuz I know she hates little kids just as much as I do, and you're the ONLY one that's ever wanted a job working with kids."

She sat back stunned, "How did you know that, are you stalking us?"

"Haha, Em I'm your best friend okay? I know you like a book, or a really bad movie," I smirked at her, waiting for her to catch the insult. But she didn't, until Vera laughed.

"Hmpf, you're just jelly. Anyway...we get to work together and hang out ALL DAY, EVERYDAY!!!" Emma cheered. Vera did a very sarcastic 'YAY', and rolled her eyes. Let's just say, you do need your breaks from Emma's happy-go-lucky spirit from time to time.

"Ooh, I feel bad for you, dude. I would strangle her after about the sixth time she'd smile for no reason," I winked at Vera, and got slapped by Emma. Does she not remember this morning?

"Well, I'm off to do some scheming while you two bimbos cook diner," I smiled cheerfully before running, and tripping up the stairs. I heard their laughter from upstairs, we really have paper thin walls, or they're just really loud...

-----------An hour and a half LATER----------

"Hey dingle-dork, foods ready!" Emma called from the bottom step. I checked over my plans, and stored them away, so no one would find them.

"Be there in a second! Fix me a drink would ya?" I yelled back. I stood up and stretched my aching muscles. I had been hunched over my computer screen, sending secret emails for almost a full hour. This was going to be perfect...

---- :-O What's going to be perfect??? Are any of you scared? Any of you wondering what the monkey poo is going on??? Comment below!!! I love seeing your responses to what I write, it keeps me going. :) Sorry I haven't updated for SO LONG! I would say I was busy, but the truth is I'm a lazy bum. School starts back on the 20th, so I'm enjoying my last few weeks of summer. x] I hope you still love me, cuz my heart still beats madly for each and every one of you! Ummm....No Homo? Ahaha, don't think I'm creepy, well I AM, but you know. Anyway, I'm off to go hunt down pictures of the MEGA FINE boys on the British Diving team. They're smokin, seriously. Uh, RANDOM QUESTION: Where are all my readers from? You don't have to comment a specific place, just a country, or continent if that's what floats your boat. Also, do you guys even read my Author's Notes or do you just skip them??? *eyebrow raise* Much love, <3 ~Kita x

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